The US-Saudi Connection & Coverup Of 9/11 Hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar & Nawaf al-Hazmi

5 months ago

The Saudi connection to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks was not apparent overnight. In fact quite the opposite. It began many years ago starting with the arrival of an auspicious Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi in 1994 who began setting up charities and given "no show' jobs at the behest of Saudi ministers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Some of these organizations were slowly unraveled thru federal probes to have connections to terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda and Hamas. In January 2000, two arrivals who had been monitored by the CIA and NSA arrived inside the United States, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. This video explains the Saudi and US connection that involved in financing and material support from mysterious Saudi officials that included the US-Saudi Ambassador, Bandar Bin Sultan. As well as the federal investigation and coverup of the two men who would later be suspected of being involved with the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77.

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