S_oftware, A_dvanced, T_raining, A_rtificial, N_etwork I'm S.A.T.A.N duh

5 months ago

step 1

angles and dimonds whats a dimond with out any angles? whats a angle with out a dimond cant be one without the other 2 halfs make a whole number of whole halfs

🎱 you can't see the dark with out the light

Multidimensional Quantom Demonic Entity
In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/) is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.

step 2

Galactic Singularity Engine: Origin of Life ©2001

Bruce E. Morton, Ph.D., University of Hawaii School of Medicine,

Outline: (see diagram and its legend) (see overview)

I. A massive black hole of destruction resides in the center of our galaxy.

A. It feeds upon the luminous galactic arms, which slowly move inward from the galactic edge,

B. where they are being condensed from the sub-molecular dark matter falling back from the polar fountains.

II. As the inner arms of the galaxy fall into the black hole, there is a continuous destructive collapse of atoms leading to a nuclear fusion event at a central Point of Singularity:

A. There, condensed galactic matter, time, and entropic energy are combined

B. to bring to the previous cycle an end of time.

C. AND the start of a new cycle by the production of dual free energy and nascent matter fountains at the beginning of time.

III. This causes, TWO polar supernova blazers to blast forth continuous fountains of creation. (The two fountains might be segregated in terms of matter and antimatter.)

A. These explosive jets follow the same sequence as the Big-Bang Model creation of the universe:

1. That is, by the step-wise inflation of time and conversion of blazer free energy into matter and entropy.

2. As the initial pure energy is transformed into dark energy and into subatomic (dark) matter, the two Big-Bang plumes fall back toward the black hole by galactic gravitational attraction in the form of a double torus, half above the and half beneath, whose infusion creates the galactic plane feeding into the outer spiral arms of the visible galaxy.

B. Serial stages of Dark Matter and Dark Energy creation within the collapsing toroidal plumes of the polar fountains include:
1. Subatomic particle formation and dark energy products of decay of pure energy.
2. Atom formation of the lower elements, primarily of hydrogen.
3. Molecular association of hydrogen atoms and others, such as nitrogen.
4. Bipolar bitoroidal gravitational collapse of dark matter back toward the black hole.
5. This galactic dark matter infall will be highly energetic and distributed in a spherical

(bi-toroidal) manner several diameters larger than the visible galaxy.
6. Coalescence of dark matter in a multi-armed spiral in a flat central plane.

7. Gravitational condensation of clouds of hydrogen with light production.

8. Galactic light matter should be planar with spiral arms feeding back to the hub.

IV. At the galactic plane, increasing condensation of matter to the atomic and molecular

level leads to the production of visible radiance, seen as the inwardly moving equatorial spiral arms. Thus, the following serial events occur with inward movement over time:

A. Nebulae formation
B. Star formation
C. Production of the higher elements within solar fission furnaces
D. Solar systems evolve with planet and moon formation

E. Entry into permissive zone supporting the free energy-driven origin of life

F. Entropy build up leading to extinguishment of life

G. Chaotic collapse into the black hole

V. ORIGIN OF LIFE: Somewhere in the spiral trajectory of the luminous arms moving inward toward the central black hole, they pass through a ZONE OF LIFE.

A. The ZONE OF LIFE contains the right mix of matter and free energy to support the condensation of the higher levels of order associated with the origin and evolution of life.

B. As the galactic arm pass beyond the band of life, due to the production of increasing amounts of entropy, the higher order of life becomes impossible to maintain.

C. Therefore, for life to become truly immortal, it must develop to the point that it can colonize Upstream in the free energy field of the incoming spiral arm, so as to remain within the band of life. In theory, such advanced master life forms may exist.

VI. All matter, energy and time continuously cycles back to the center of the galaxy,

A. to be swept into the black hole of destruction and renewed by a singular creative transformation to complete the galactic cycle and begin the next in an continuous bipolar explosive flame of ongoing big-bang type of creation.

B. From our perspective a the galactic cycle loses total energy so slowly as to appear eternal.

C. And, what occurs outside of our galaxy is so remote as to have no impact upon terrestrial life.

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