FDA denied proven cure for prostate cancer

10 months ago

We need to stop this circus. Don't ever get another injection of any kind, and please, do not inject yourself! Every one of these pills on TV is poison. They took a prostate cancer cure by the company Omnitura Genyous that satisfied all FDA in 2006, in 2010.
We presented it to every single level of the government including DARPA. And you know what they did with Bayer Monsanto in 2019. Oh, they created a new prostate cancer drug called Nubega and it will kill you. And it cost the taxpayers or Medicaid $13,000 a dose
Oh, when we had a cure in 2011 of a natural product and a botanical adjuvant that was patented and proven in two years of clinical trial, and just like peptide T, the FDA never let it go.
They turned it around, turned into evil and injected the opposite. They put that G protein back in HIV and gave Adam Lanza and his mother neuro-AIDS, they call it neuroborreliosis or Lyme disease. Yeah. Adam Lanza, and his mother, you know, had Lyme disease.
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/15/2024
Full episode: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zDWWxQASK6sw/

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