The Gold Standard of Revelation

10 months ago

When God really wants to get a message, through, He will turn up the volume in your dreams. So it's very potent to know and understand that He may change the amount you dream during seasons of your life, but that doesn't mean that dreams are never important. I again feel like dreams are the gold standard of revelation specifically because most people don't have any idea what they mean at all. Most people, when they interpret it, including most pastors, leaders, prophets, they do kind of sort of literal, pretty much no depth. No serious depth. No actionable intelligence. No understanding. And the understanding they have is really kind of this milk toast Christianse. Well, God loves you, so pray more. And it's absolutely not what the dreams mean and there's no examples of verses like that. There's no examples of Scripture of dreams that were treated such a way. They looked at them as guidance, direction and intelligence.

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