Get your back checked

10 months ago

I love this one. I'm sleeping on my back and I have nightmares. Do you have any thoughts? Yes. Get your back checked. Sometimes, guys, this isn't rocket science at all. If you are getting a nightmare from sleeping a different way, go to a chiropractor, go get your back checked out. There are people that have had dreams about eating their liver. Why? Because their liver was unhealthy. And when they go get it checked out by a doctor, guess what? My liver is iron deficient. Now I need iron in my diet and boom, it can be that simple. God can be giving you a dream because He wants to show you your body needs something. It doesn't respond well to what it's experiencing, like sleeping on your back. So, a lot of times we'll be like, well, it's super spiritual because God doesn't want us to look behind us or look to our past. What's the actionable intelligence then? How about the actionable intelligence is, "Don't sleep on your back," or "Your back is jacked up. Get it looked at."

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