STEVE FAVIS- THE MAUI FIRES CCP SATS Flyover data- September 2023

10 months ago

🚨The CCP Had Satellites over Maui (LAHAINA, OLINDA, & KULA), at the EXACT same Time of the Fires!!!! Original post by MjTruth Sept 2023 Reese Report Production. 2023
Steve Favis, Computer Science & Advanced Robotics Expert has compiled evidence that the technology exists to start these fires from a satellite in earth orbit

He also confirmed the CCP had satellites capable of these attacks above Maui at the time of the fires!

The laser would have needed to be in a wave length range to minimize scatter through the atmosphere, so a near infrared range laser would be needed to allow a more precise transmission…. AND….. WOULD HAVE HAD MINIMAL REACTION TO THE COLOR BLUE!

Was ignited at approximately at 10:47pm On August 7th.—— At this Exact Time, CCP Satellite Norad53299 was directly over this location!!!!
Holy shit!

Was ignited at approximately at 6:37am on August 8th.—— At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD55836 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT!

Was ignited at approximately at 11:30am on August 8th.—— At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT!

Steve Favis also has calculated the CCP has up to 70 Gigawatt lasers in earth orbit right now.

This is not the first time CCP Satellites have been over Hawaii recently.

Back in January of this year, mysterious green lasers ( were spotted over the skies of Maunakea.

The troubling thing is that there were lots of conflicting reports from NASA ( the first week where they insisted it was one of their satellites, but it was ultimately declared (“Likely”) a Chinese satellite, Daqi-1/AEMS, a week later.

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