Exploring an old URANIUM MINE!

10 months ago

Here we visit an old uranium mine and see if we can not find something radioactive AFTER 32 years since closing. Nothing above ground save for probably concrete leaching tanks/troughs are left. All mine shafts have been concreted over. Radiation levels (on the ground) around the site are very low but just above background levels.
No radiation levels above background could be measured anywhere in the air.
Radiation levels above some of the filled in leaching structures show elevated background levels 12" above the ground (see the very end of the video). Instead of new concrete being poured into the leaching structures to cover all radioactive residual materials, only waste concrete building/construction scrap was dumped into these areas. No radiation above background could be detected above these areas, however, we did not attempt to lower our detector into any of the large crevasses to get reading closer to the bottom of these concrete pits.

All structures supplying electricity to the mine and any buildings have all been removed. There is evidence of extreme sport being conducted in the mine area (pretty stupid really) and no doubt creates much dust.

Don't do this at home kiddies!

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