Hope For Hurting Hearts- Trailer | NickV Ministries

9 months ago

Everyone has to deal with crises in life, including Christians. And sometimes, the reality of life can seem unbearable. But we can rest in the knowledge that God loves us, He weeps in our times of pain, and He can be glorified through suffering. Narrated by Dr. James Dobson, Hope for Hurting Hearts tells the stories of how Greg and Cathe Laurie, Jeremy Camp, Nick Vujicic, and their families dealt with times of trial. Each of these individuals has stood at a "spiritual crossroads" marked by challenging and painful circumstances, and each has chosen the road of trusting, following, and glorifying God.

You will be encouraged by these intimate accounts, which give a glimpse into God's perspective on suffering, and declare that there truly is Hope for Hurting Hearts.




(MUSIC) Mountains high, valleys low. These are the things that make us grow. But all I want to know is if He can hear me. All I want to know is if You're still listening, God.
It was that day I felt robbed.
When I heard the news that our son had died...
I can say that I've been in a place where I felt hopeless.
I read about the blind man seeing and the deaf hearing.
I felt that someone had just taken a big eraser to the chalkboard of my dreams and just erased everything.
I felt like I could literally die.
I'm not supposed to be visiting the grave that my wife is in, you know.
Does He love me? Does He hear me? When I was searching for Him, He didn't answer me so I felt alone.
(MUSIC) And give me the faith I want to believe.
I think instead of asking the question "why", we should be asking the question "to whom shall I turn?" You need to turn to God. He is the hope you are looking for.
(MUSIC) I said I believe.
I found myself being almost gathered up into the heavenlies with the Lord.
I was just raising my hands and I never, to this day, felt the presence of God so thick.
(MUSIC) So why don't you shine? Come on, shine. Come on shine on me.
I hit bottom and God was there.
He healed me from the greatest disability of all − death.
If I don't understand and I can't see it and it's dark, kind of, I still believe.
(MUSIC) I know, I know you will shine.
Every promise that He ever spoke to me, everything I'd ever read in the Scriptures was real.
And God was there and faith kicked in.
(MUSIC) You give me the faith I know to believe, believe.
The hardship you're going through right now, the crisis you may be facing, you need to know one thing. If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, God is in control.
(MUSIC) Seasons change but I change, too. Dark spring and summer, and I fall back to you.


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