CDC, a military operation & it needs to END!

10 months ago

"You know how we get our country back?
But it requires all liability to come back! No more Bayh-Dole Act!
CDC is gone, it's a military operation!
No more FDA unless Stephanie Seneff runs it! GO right back to medicine.
Nobody ever allows a single other injection and somebody goes after John Coffin, and the people who are reviewing peer reviewed journals that aren't our peers are CRIMINALS!
In six years of literature, the literature on COVID is fraud. It's criminal fraud. SARS code to never caused it. Didn't mean it didn't exist. It's been injected, doesn't mean all those other viruses.
That's why I told you about Ebola. "Called for Life" is the book on our website Called for life in the biblical sense. We cured Ebola in 2014, even though Obama and Fauci meant it for evil, killed 21,000 Liberians to cover up William Thompson's confession."

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 08/19/2023

Round 2 with Sherry B. Throwing punches! Gloves are OFF!:

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