PT2 ​⁠SOLUTION VIDEO ​⁠ ICELAND #BlackSunViking MY PEOPLE #TheKazwëh ​⁠

10 months ago

•Treasure Map Riddler •

PASSPORT BROS #BlackSunViking MOVIE SHORT- part 1. YouTube version here

Watch solution video below here PART 2 SOLUTION HERE

WOMEN NEED TO COMPETE FOR YOU IN ORDER TO LOVE YOU. as harsh as that sounds it the reality of nature true truth.

I'm not for the incel or drizzle drizzle movement because the poor man mentality doesn't pertain to a #BlackSunKing. I don't mind paying for my women. But I take care of and protect her. She feels safe around me because I know best , no one knows better than me. No one can build or so art and initiate better than me. I'm #BlackSunGod91

She knows this and this builds value she knows that I can do whatever I want and will. #BlackSunKing012 isn't a Soft man era
And won't lower his value when he is the GOLDEN ENDARKENED ONE.

I won in the now because I'm the Best. Im him and women all around the world compete for me. Yea im considered the most cocky arrogant and selfish toxic man of the 21st century.
My name is
Erik Geoffrey von Leonardo Plott and im the heart beat of the modern society. "


That's all we found that he wrote.


Treasure Map Riddler •

I don't know where the heck Erik Plott is, so don't comment asking me. We all been searching physically for past month. Many videos are older and being posted as recent but we don't actually know if these pictures and videos weren't six months or even a year old. However I'm one of his editors and I have only access to the hootsuite which is his automated program that posts all through the internet such as X com and his Facebook or YouTube. I don't have access to his accounts he has scheduled automated "PLOTT BOT" posts that automatically post to these Platforms. His last content art was



As we see the Drizzle drizzle vs Sprinkle Spinkle effect take place in western worlds, the high quality men that these ugly western women are toxically responsible for egging on, those men are leaving to find European or Nordic women - as well check out age of consent video here worldwide if you are getting in troubles with dating women who are 15-17 years old and getting in trouble you can go to other country's the age of consent is lower here
Video here

I don't know where the heck Erik Plott is, so don't comment asking me. We all been searching physically for past month. Many videos are older and being posted as recent but we don't actually know if these pictures and videos weren't six months or even a year old. However I'm one of his editors and I have only access to the hootsuite which is his automated program that posts all through the internet such as X com and his Facebook or YouTube. I don't have access to his accounts he has scheduled automated "PLOTT BOT" posts that automatically post to these Platforms. His last content art was



As we see the Drizzle drizzle vs Sprinkle Spinkle effect take place in western worlds, the high quality men that these ugly western women are toxically responsible for egging on, those men are leaving to find European or Nordic women - as well check out age of consent video here worldwide if you are getting in troubles with dating women who are 15-17 years old and getting in trouble you can go to other country's the age of consent is lower here
Video here

So this striked up great controversy of the rise of passport Bros which I put the VIDEO on my channel here

#BlackSunViking Gods

Sourced video with all the comments to the Visa bros is here

-now some of you may realize that eye myself as a billionaire man entrepreneur artist and musician #BlackSunEmperor I need not to do anything , but do emperor stuff - with my #BlackSunEmpress now

As while I am writing this #ThoughtProfess into for the future we will most likely be reading this for #Phaze5

I am to have a younger women of "wives" as it wasn't unusual for
Icelandic women to have up to six sister wives as the most liberal and sexually liberated nation on the planet,

I was going by #TheKazwëh epic prophesy #Epicesy that shows I am to have 1-2 wife of each nationality including western woman , Asian , Japanese, Norway , Italian , German , Austrian, Australian, African Egyptian khem it e , Canadian etc.

For the prophesy showed 87 sons and daughters. Do the math if I'm having two kids per "wife" ( #BlackSunGoddess) this means I would need over 40 women.

There also will be #BlackSunWitch which will collaborate and help me with my empire mych like a concubine if you will. #BlackSunPriestess will be Thailand girls and filipino, Brazilian and Mexican, or Mexican, Indo European.

I saw all these things and more as I'm not like the soft guy movement because that's what society has done to feminize men and that's not what us so called "alpha men" or #BlackSunGods are concerned with.

So all those women will be ours. We can cherry pick what we want. I will lead you into my life and instruct. You assist me into the future you may get a chance at the slender of heaven through chaotic hell I created.
I am the beyond devil and beyond god.
I am #ErikGeoffreyVonLeonardoPlott #Kazwëh

Check out all Erik's media here

WOMEN ONLY want what other women want and women do only what other women do.

Often they copy each other. While they say they aren't like anyone else.

Women don't want connection, they want to want you even more when they know they could lose you.

She loves seeing other physical proof that other women are actually after you. Her interest will rise and she will see value and wish to compete. Has nothing to do with money or status , no muscles or good looks that will ever turn a woman on more than pre selection of her seeing that other women naturally want you.

The strongest emotion that women hate, but can't help to respond to is JEALOUSY. - if you arouse this emotion , this gets them completely reactive and will see them out of their character. You will see them react off pure emotion and impulse - they will throw all logic out the window for best internet emotionally.

How you meet a woman is more important to a woman rather than just meeting a woman.

How she views you. Rather than if you were just all by yourself.

WOMEN NEED TO COMPETE FOR YOU IN ORDER TO LOVE YOU. as harsh as that sounds it the reality of nature true truth.

I'm not for the incel or drizzle drizzle movement because the poor man mentality doesn't pertain to a #BlackSunKing. I don't mind paying for my women. But I take care of and protect her. She feels safe around me because I know best , no one knows better than me. No one can build or so art and initiate better than me. I'm #BlackSunGod91

She knows this and this builds value she knows that I can do whatever I want and will. #BlackSunKing012 isn't a Soft man era
And won't lower his value when he is the GOLDEN ENDARKENED ONE.

I won in the now because I'm the Best. Im him and women all around the world compete for me. Yea im considered the most cocky arrogant and selfish toxic man of the 21st century.
My name is
Erik Geoffrey von Leonardo Plott and im the heart beat of the modern society. "


That's all we found that he wrote.


Two latest songs Erik Plott composed on YouTube here

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