Big Pharma Pimp Brazilian president Lulu tells Brazilians to give their Children the KILLSHOT (if they love them)

10 months ago

On April 15, 2024 Dr. Simon Goddek @goddeketal writes:
To understand the level of authoritarianism in Brazil, one only needs to take a look at the policies of the socialist Lula government.

Despite there being no scientific evidence that the Covid vaccines have saved lives (on the contrary, with increased excess mortality rates since the start of the vaccination campaigns), @LulaOficial is still promoting Covid vaccines:

"The vaccine is a guarantee of life. That's why I took my fifth vaccine today. And if there is a sixth, I will take the sixth. If there is a seventh, I will take the seventh."

What's worse than his stupidity is that parents who refuse to "vaccinate" their children against Covid will have their social benefits (bolsa familia) revoked.

I am deeply concerned about this country.

See also:

Michael Shellenberger: Brazil Should Terrify You! (We Are Starting Our Own Free-Speech NGOs Around The World)

Why X Refused To Bow To The Demands Of Brazil's Federal Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes

Michael Shellenberger: Elon Musk Is All That Stands In The Way Of Totalitarianism

Elon Musk Does It Again: He Defies Tyrannical Authorities & Opens The Floodgates Of Freedom In Brazil!


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