4 Basic Steps to Holistic Life

11 months ago

Sometimes the holistic life can seem over complicated and expensive but you can make huge changes with 4 basic steps. As you build upon these 4 steps, you can continue to add on to your holistic journey. These 4 things I believe will have potentially the biggest impact on your health and are a great way to GET STARTED!
Into - 00:00
Step 1 - 03:32
Step 2 - 09:21
Step 3 - 15:37
Step 4- 22:13

I have mentioned some of the brands that I love best in the video and here are some of the links:

(I am an affiliate for some of these links but have not been paid for my video, my recommendations, or my opinions)
Toups & Co - Natural makeup, deodorant, and body products

The Detox Market (natural makeup, shampoo, etc)

Aleavia (Prebiotic body wash)

Water Filtration - RO with Remineralization

Whole House Systems

Cleaning Products and Herbal

Clean - Naturally scented beeswax candles

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