Senator Lee is holding Democrats accountable and is halting business

10 months ago

BREAKING: Sen. Mike Lee Brings Business to a Halt in US Senate Until Democrats Hold Impeachment Trial for DHS Secretary Mayorkas – For Deliberately Implementing Open Borders Disaster

Here is Senator Lee’s speech from moments ago.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT): Madam President, I rise today to speak in support of my motion to table the Ramona Manglona nomination. My issue with the nominee at hand is not with the nominee at hand. In fact, she’s quite well qualified. She passed out of the Judiciary Committee on which I serve, with my support, my vote in committee of 21 to zero.

The Senate should not be processing nominees right now. The Senate should be laser-focused instead on preparing for the trial for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, whom the House impeached in February. Instead of confirming yet another nominee, we should be considering an organizing resolution to set up that trial, which we’re constitutionally compelled to conduct. But unfortunately, that’s not what we’re doing. Instead, Senator Schumer is preparing to enact a nuclear option by tabling the articles of impeachment.

For the first time in American history Senate Democrats want to avoid even examining the evidence presented against Mayorkas. We should not be going about business as usual while Senator Schumer prepares to nuke the Senate. If this motion to table is successful, then with respect to Manglona, we could move to legislative business to consider an organizing resolution for the impeachment trial.

I ask my colleagues for support. To that end, Madam President, I move to table the nomination of Ramona Villagomes, Manglona, and ask for the yays and nays.

Tonight Senator Lee is holding Democrats accountable and is halting business until Democrats hold the DHS Secretary’s impeachment trial!

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