Article 4753 Video - Nothing for Something - Monday, April 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4753 Video - Nothing for Something - Monday, April 15, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

This past week, a mild-mannered Physicist, long-tenured at the University of Edinburgh, died at the age of 94. His name was Peter Higgs, a man who asked the fundamental question -- how is it that some subatomic particles have mass?

What is mass?

How do we acquire it, so as to create the physical Universe out of invisible nothingness?

By asking this question, he was inexorably drawn to a number of theoretical positions amounting to apostasy in the world of modern Physics, a rejection of the Theory of Special Relativity and its constraints, and a prediction that dumped us all back into the semi-superstitious "Aether Theory of the Eighteenth Century, which had been a theory abandoned for lack of evidence --- and not for any good proof against it.

Thinking people, and especially mathematicians, have long decried Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity as obvious bunk.

(I, myself, outraged my college Physics Professor by providing a three-line mathematical proof demonstrating that Special Relativity is and always was bunk; I also remember the social and academic fall-out with a cringe--- and feel a faint glow of vindication almost fifty years later.)

Now, rather than admit that the Aether Theory was correct, the academic community has relabeled the "Aether" as the "Field".

I suppose they all hope that nobody will notice that (a) political posturing and kow-towing to Einstein prevented meaningful progress in physics for over 100 years, and (b) the ridiculousness of The Theory of Special Relativity was obvious the whole time.

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