FlyOver Conservatives - BO POLNY - Eclipse is Over God's Math Lines Up What's Coming Next captions

10 months ago

Bo Polny is a biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst; the face behind YouTube's Gold2020Forecast, with currently 17-million+ views!

Bo Polny holds possibly the most verifiably accurate Bitcoin & Gold cycle forecasting track record in the world.

Bo states… “Cycles are real, both evil and Jesus are real, the future is written. As January 2020 we are living in Biblical Times and because history repeats and God revealed some of His times calculation through the prophet Daniel, it is now possible to calculate important ‘key’ TIME points into the future.”

✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Full Video Transcript:

Welcome to fly over conservative podcast with David and Stacey Whited, where we break down current events and examine culture through the lens of conservative Christian values. You know, some guests are just a little harder to introduce than others because They have non traditional titles. And I don't know if any of you had this opportunity when you sat down with your high school guidance counselor, you know, there's like, you could be a welder.

You could be a doctor or a fireman, an analyst of time. That was not, I never saw that. That wasn't one of the options they gave me. It wasn't one of the posters they had on in the, in the wall. But I'd say what, when you're in crazy times and you're trying to discern What is going on in the natural what's going on in the financial realm?

What is god saying? How does this fit into? Prophetic words, how do all of these things put together? You have to be wired just right to be able to read all those gauges on the dashboard It'd be like sitting in a big jet and it's just full of all these metrics. I wouldn't even know how to How to look at them all.

It'd be like the matrix with the green lines going up and down. You need somebody with the right mind to break it down. And we happen to have one analyst of time with us here today. Mr.

Thank you. God bless your family. Thank you for what you guys do. It's very, very exciting. It is exciting to be alive. I've really been looking forward to the show. I've been watching some stuff that you put out. We've been looking at your ex and David's like, he's sending it to everyone. He's like, have you seen this?

Have you seen this? It's just really exciting. And we cannot wait to hear what God's been showing you. Oh, awesome. Yeah. You know, God speaks. I want to start this off with God speaks through his word. So number one, no matter what I say, always go back to the word. Okay. No matter what any prophet says, always go back to the word.

Okay. But he also speaks to his servants, the prophets and he speaks through numbers. Okay. And, and also, well, then he speaks with science. Okay. Which we just saw. Yes. We'll talk about that, but look at literally what's, what's happening right here. Numeric numerics. Okay. None of this is possible unless there is a godly design to the numerics.

Because you, you can't make this stuff up. You go just a little bit higher up on that slide. You'll see that this is incredible, but from. The crash, the Black Monday of 1987. Okay. It's 33 years, 33 months, 33 weeks, 33 days. If you add up the 33, you get six, six, you get four sixes in a row. Wow. So it's just showing you that there's design to all of this.

And so from Black Monday to the eclipse, look at the math behind that. And then above that, you literally saw We know, so the right below that you've seen that there's a slide of 2017. The eclipse, when it entered Salem, okay. It entered Salem, it crossed seven cities. I didn't even know there's seven cities called Salem crosses seven cities called Salem, and then, and then it makes another, and then it goes.

There's the eclipsed yesterday and it makes a cross now from the when it entered Salem seven years or you know at well it's not it was actually six years, six months, six weeks, and six days ago. So there's your four sixes again. Wow. Man, so we've we're, we're just looking at the Sweden closer. It's just unbelievable.

We're watching the mathematical perfection of God. And then, so literally I am. So, so we've got four sixes in a row with regards to this eclipse you're looking at. Okay. So when it enters Portland and into yesterday, it's four sixes in a row. And then also it you. Referenced out to Black Monday and so indicating that this is a I want to use a word marker in time Please people write this down Eclipses are markers in time.

So was Revelation 12 sign What about talk about now in a second and so don't listen to me Listen to the word. It says Luke 25 Luke 21 verse 25. It says there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. Okay. And so, but then furthermore, you read and you read Revelation 13. It says this calls for wisdom.

You see, you just don't look at the sign. You have to apply wisdom to the sign. So I just showing you the math behind. If you apply the wisdom to it, you can get like crazy math calculations, right? And so let the person who has insight calculate. Transcribed I calculate. Okay. So this morning, this is crazy.

So I'm like, okay, well, that's kind of cool. Like six months, six, I'm doing the four, six. I'm going, what else does that mean? I'm going, you know, I'm telling, I just know there's this feeling. So God's like, calculate, calculate, calculate. I mean, go calculate for somebody. And I mean, I keep hearing revelation 12.

Okay, let's do the math because God will never reveal it to me. He makes me calculate, right? But he, but he gives me a bullet points of like, where to start. Cause that's always about when you understand patterns and what I do. There's like Elliot wave analysis. It's fantastic. The problem is where do you put number one?

See, you need to know the starting point of everything without a starting point. You don't know. You don't know the math forward. You can know the patterns, but you don't know when it ends. And so it's really complicated. And so what you want to end up having is a starting point. And so you want a starting point.

So we know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins for man. Did he not did Jesus Christ die on the cross for man? Yes. He undid what happened in the garden because well, Adam and Eve let Satan on the world, God made everything for us. Adam and Eve let evil onto the world. He, they use us evil usurped our inheritance.

And so Christ needed to come back to this earth to redeem our argument, basically give us authority again. And so what he did, he basically gave us authority. Okay. So that's the point. So Jesus Christ died on the cross. He died on the cross specifically when he died on the cross 2000 years ago. So now check out this math here, which is truly Fantastic.

If you can click on page 20, please, when you look at the math here, so we know Jesus Christ died on the cross. He died. And when he was born, it was revelation 12 side of the heavenly. So he was born from the calculations of what revelation 12 revealed to us. He was born in three BC. He died at 33 years old.

His ministry was three and a half years from when he got baptized. Okay. So check this out. Please, people, take the time, go read Revelation 12, and it describes Jesus, because there's a son that's born, there's a son that's born in the heavenlies, takes 8 months or 9 months to go around the womb in Virgo, and then, and then there's a birth, okay, so with what that was, that's a birth.

of Jesus in the heavenlies. But we know Jesus isn't coming back as a child, right? He's coming back as a warrior. So what it was, was no different. Revelation sign was no different than what happened yesterday with the eclipse. It was a sign. So God revealed to me count. So from Revelation 12 sign, when did Jesus die in the cross for our sins?

Good Friday

from Revelation 12 sign 2017 to Good Friday, two weeks ago. was six years, six months, six days. Oh my goodness. Revelations 12 states for it is the number of man. The number is 666. That's the number of man. So Jesus was born on revelation 12 in the heavenlies and he died for our sins on good Friday, Six, six.

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number. Jesus Christ just died for our sins, and then we had resurrection three days later. Resurrection, specifically, was March 31. Let me show you the math that God has revealed how awesome this is. Kim Clement had a prophecy. The prophetic word was specifically about from January 21 to count 70 days forward.

70 days from January 21 just happens to be Three days later, after Jesus dies on the cross for our sins, for man, Jesus died for man, three days later is Resurrection Sunday, March 31. The revelation, if you want to play the video in a second from now, from the Kim Clement prophecy, God revealed the prophecy two weeks ago to me.

And specifically what it was, was this. We know that the root of all evil was abortion in the United States. Because we are a nation founded under God who turn their back to God and allow the killing of the Creator's creation in a nation founded under God, a covenant nation. So talk about the hedge of protection being removed.

from the people, right? And look, all hell broke loose over 50 years. So when you read Leviticus, thou shall consecrate the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all of its inhabitants. There's a second part to that equation is the petrodollar contract. I know you've had to expect, you know, analysts on your show, you talk about the, we talk about the U.

S. dollar, the petrodollar contract talk about the bricks. Okay. You see, so it's a window from Roe v. Wade Roe v. Wade becoming law to specifically the signing of the petrodollar contract. The petrodollar contract was signed on June 9th, 1974. So between the signing the law of Roe v. Wade of January 22nd, 73 to June 9th, 1974.

of 1974, you've got about a year and a half window there. This is the year and a half window that we're in right now. Now, what I want, what God's revealed is, remember, because God's going to intervene upon our world. So there's two time points you want to consider. There's Passover and Pentecost. Basically, those are two time points the world is about to witness incredible things happen.

When you study what happened at Passover, Passover is a time point, and this is, I want to give you examples, but Passover is a time point when God, the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, specifically where God intervenes, I want to use the word intervenes upon the world, and examples of that is what happened with the angel of death showing up, okay?

That was God intervening for man. God has to intervene first to stop the craziness. Okay. So God intervenes. And the second thing was what happened at Passover, right? Sorry. Passover is when God intervenes and the second Passover would have been when Jesus. Was the Passover lamb. You see, so God, Jesus intervened for man, get it?

So Passover is a time of godly intervention. Okay. There's a second time point, which God revealed to me again, this all is the delivery came to me just this morning. Okay. There's a second time point and you can actually see this. I wrote it here on, on page. It's on the bottom left of page. I don't even know where I put it.

Bottom left. It's on the reservation. Oh, well, I'm just going to tell our listeners, if you're listening on, on podcast format or where you cannot see the screen, or if you want access to these slides, just send us a text to four zero five zero nine and put the word bow in the body of the text and you'll get a dropbox link.

We'll just get these to you. If those can make these available. Page 20 page 20, but please get these slides. Cause there's so many details, new details in this. Please continue. There's, there's, there's way more details than you can get to get into. It's a little, you know, asterisks and legends and different things inside of these, so much fun to look at.

You can make it your own little, little Bible study and tear these things apart. Go look up the scriptures. Look at the, and then, you know, ask for God's revelation for you that you can discern and decipher these things for yourself, but you have access to this information. It's not just Speculating, he makes his receipts available to you.

So 9, the word bow. Also you can get track all of his work at gold, 2020 forecast. com. And you know, when it comes to trading and cryptocurrencies and gold and silver, all these kinds of things in charts. He makes all these things. If you're, if you're more into that space and, and you want to know those things, he's thorough and, and constantly updating those for his subscribers.

And so that's a thing that's available there as well. Thank you. So Passover, Pentecost, two critical time points in the world for God to intervene upon our world. And we're going to talk about both of those time points. So Passover is a time when God specifically intervenes. Pentecost is a time that God gives.

So think about the difference, right? So Pentecost, what happened at Pentecost? God gave, that was the birth of the law. And then at Torah, Torah of Sinai. So God gave the Hebrew people, the law he gave, he gives, and what happened at Pentecost with the apostles? He gave the Holy spirit. Are you with me? So Passover is a time of intervention, biblical intervention, godly intervention, Pentecost is when God gives and makes the people work.

Let's be really clear about that. So God's going to give something at Pentecost. And then do what it's our time to get busy, get it. It's our time as the body of Christ to get busy. And so we're gonna, I'm going to show you how these two time points are critical in our world. Cause we're about to witness incredible things go down.

I talked about the Kim Clement prophecy of January 21. So when you read revelation or when you look at Roe v. Wade and you look at the time window on that. So I'm going to give a specific date of January. 22nd, 1973, 50 year Leviticus takes you to January 22nd, 2023. So since you're writing it down, that would start the 50th year, right, Stacey?

And then when would the 50th year end? It would end at the very last day of the year. Of the 50th year would be January 21 because January 22nd, 2024 would actually start year 51 if you're with me, right? So year 51 was starting January 22nd. So what's the very, very, very, very last day. And when does God show up at the very, very, very, very last minute.

And so last day will be January 21 of 50 year Jubilee cycle. So please play. The video of Kim Clement and Jan, the importance of January 21 of the 70 to 100 day I saw a python and God said, between the 70 and a hundred days, it shall begin the strangulation and the destruction of this will begin, and it is going crazy.

It is manifesting throughout America because it is dying now. You may not understand spiritual warfare and Diablo and Satan, Satan and demons and darkness. But it waits for an attraction. It waits for an invitation. And as I've said, there's been great division, but also it was spoken of that beginning January 21st, there would be a period of between 70 and a hundred days.

The spirit of Pythos will be destroyed. If the people act accordingly, this spirit is doing its utmost to destroy as many States as possible, make its mark. It'll be leaving. And we'll show that to you. I wore this purposefully. It's the gold and I'll explain that in a few minutes because he spoke to me about watching the gold as a sign.

This is a crazy time to be alive. Well, just in our lifetime used to be where you'd hear your grandparents talk about how cheap gas was and stuff. And it was 75 years before 50 years before. And so we've seen a lot of changes since Biden took office 700 more a month. Then what you needed in January of 21, when he took office.

You might hear these kinds of things and think, Oh, that's overwhelming. I can't control the government. I can't control what they're doing. I can't control the spending, but we can take care of ourselves. You want to make sure that you're buying boy on from somebody that you can trust and someone that does not charge you a commission.

When you go to sell, if there's gonna be a commission, have it on the front end, not the back end when it skyrockets and now you're like, oh my gosh, look at this big huge commission. I gotta pay 'cause it's on the back end before I sell it. You can buy an ounce of silver for $23. So this is something everybody can get into.

And if silver goes to $50, if it goes to 75, if it goes to a hundred, all of those profits are yours. And that's happening while the dollar is buying less and less at the actual grocery store. So you can go to fly over gold. Fill out your information. When you do that, someone from Dr. Kirk's team will get ahold of you to set up a free consultation.

It doesn't cost you any money whatsoever, or to do the same thing. You can just call 7 2 0 6 0 5 3 9 0 0. Wow.

So 70 days was resurrection Sunday. So let's go back. It was six years, six months, and six days that. Jesus born in the heavenlies because he's not coming back. It was a marker He was showing himself because this was the same sign 2, 000 years ago revelation 12. You can use Stellaria. I've done it You can go all the way back.

It's 2, 000 years Stellaria take it all the way back and you what you'll find it goes at So this was the exact same sign that was bought when Jesus was born in the heavenlies 2000 years ago. This is how awesome the math is behind all of this. Actually, if you want to click on page 33, Colton, you'll actually see that.

So this running the Stellaria program on page three. Oh page 32, sorry. Page three is my mistake. Page 32. So there is your Stellaria calculations. And it literally takes you or. I'm sorry, page 31. Well, there it is. So this same, so this same revelation 12 sign was in the heaven. He's when you run still area, it takes you back to three BC.

Jesus Christ died on the cross at year 30 cause he was born negative three. He died at 33 years old. And you know, so then you got the agenda 2030 coming out. Why? Because. A year a day is about a thousand years and you read scripture two thousand years later would be 2030 you see evil is going to come in and mock god and deceive everybody.

This is how awesome Our god is he's laying everything out in perfect timing, but what they're doing right now is wrong timing And so they're, they're twisting the clocks to confuse everybody because saying all he can do is lie, cheats, kill, steal, destroy. So he's twisting the clock. So understand this same sign that just happened.

We saw it happen as I just showed you with the six, with a triple six calculation relative to what we talked about specifically on page 20, which was the 666 calculation. So Jesus was born 2000 years ago. He was born again. On 2017, six years, six months, six days later, specifically, he dies on the cross again for us and then we step into what's called resurrection.

Resurrection happens to be the fulfillment of the Kim Clement prophecy of 14 years ago. So let's start at page one and let's talk about why today is so important. Today is New Year's. How awesome is this? Today starts. Bravo. You've heard this before that I've talked about a blessings begin revival awakening in vindication and open heavens begin starting today and into Pentecost.

So this is what's about to happen. So, if you go to page four, This is the understand we need to look at. 70 days, which you'll see right there, was the resurrection of Christ. But the Church, the Bride, has not resurrected yet. Why? Because, when does that happen? That happens at Pentecost. Because that's when God gives first.

God's got to intervene. Then God's going to give, if that makes sense back to exactly that, which has been, will be again. So let's look at timelines. I want to kind of continue here. Page six, look how incredible this math is. So Trump gets in, he gets elected. On November 8th, 2016, when you read Daniel 12, seven says it will be for time times and a half a time.

That's three and a half years. I know I'm going to go through a lot of numbers today, but I'm going to show the, the awesomeness of our God. So please those that this is like a little bit too quick. Sometimes please just go back and watch this video again, but it's mind blowing because the math isn't almost right.

The math is perfect. You see, that's the problem. Okay. For those that say it's not happening. No, no, the math is perfect. So Trump is elected November 8th, 2017, 1260 days. A Daniel 12 cycle takes us to April 20th, 21 of the year 2020. Well, if you go to the next slide, page seven, what happened? We washed oil plunge to negative 38 a barrel.

Remember that? We've talked about that on our show. There's, there's the slide. So you can literally see it on a chart. You can see a big spike straight down. I watch it happen. I knew something was going to happen on that day because it was a biblical calculation. And what I knew then to four years later today, like mind blowing differences.

Why? Because actually I got baptized between now and then, but God's really you know, uses us more and more because what is revelation? It's a reveal. So every day you get revealed more, just like today, I got the revelation of the, you know, the mathematical proof. that Jesus died for our sins relative to the Revelation 12 sign and good Friday.

That's, that's how is that possible? How is that possible? But yet it's, we can, we can calculate it because he who has wisdom understands that times can count, just count. And so what I want people to understand is God revealed to me something very specific. When 38 a barrel, he said to me, that's a sign.

That's interesting. That's a sign. That's a sign. Well, he goes, well, then use it. Use a Noah's Ark cycle, which is what it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. I wasn't at that time using the Jonah cycle because if you read Jonah, Jonah three, six, it says you have, you have 40 days to repent or God will destroy Nineveh, you know?

So we'll talk about that in a second, but I never heard that one. What I heard was, was Noah cycle start counting time. So 40 days and 40 nights. Oh, yeah. The George Floyd riots were 40 days and 40 nights after that. Yes. Right. 40 days and 40 nights with a George Floyd rights literally broke out exactly 40 days and 40 nights from oil going to negative 38 per barrel.

So this is how incredible the math is behind all of this stuff. So if you use, and this is the wild part, okay, well that's entering George Floyd ride breakout, but why did they break out? Let me think here. Hmm. What weekend was that? What? Biblical feast was that. Oh, Pentecost.

Wow. Because that wasn't like a, just a natural occurring thing that, that there was so much, almost like demonic bent up, rage unleashed. Mm-Hmm. on our country and others, you know, and it spread like wildfire. That was, it was, you know, funded and accelerated and, and the media, the way it was covered.

Mm-Hmm. , it was, it was definitely, it, it, it felt more like a spiritual battle between good and evil at that moment. So if you go to page 36, please, so page 36 shows that we're not see everything might feel political, but it's not it's all biblical because we're living in biblical times. Okay, now page 37 basically states very clearly were as the times began, which began in 2020.

Okay, we're not. I'm going to be very clear. We're not in tribulation. That would be the really scary point of time. We're leading into it and God showed me we're leading in with seven year cycles as we're heading into the tribulation. Okay, so we're seven year cycles are leading into the tribulation.

Let's be clear about that. So the beginning of the end began in 2020. Well that would create we had Corona come on scene. Okay, the second seal of Revelation opened on Pentecost George Floyd riots, May 30th. 2020. So if you go to page 38, there it is right there. So look at the second seal breaks. Okay, second seal breaks.

What do you have that the George Floyd rides the next day? You've got, this is weird. So the George Floyd rides happen. The next day you got riding in Paris, Brazil, London, Argentina, black lives matter, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, riots, Indianapolis rides, New York rides, Seattle, Russia, Ukraine war the Canadian trucker convoy, Israel Hamas war.

All of these things happened right after. The second seal was taken from the earth. Right. So right after peace was taken from the earth. Okay. So now understand we're stepping into the next slide. We're waiting for what? The third seal to manifest. What's that? Well, had I too ate the silver and the gold of mine, say to the Lord, when you read scriptures the writing on the wall, many, many a tackle offshore.

I assume you've been waiting the balances and found wanting your kingdom has come to an end that night. Darius died. Belches are died. Darius comes in and takes over Babylon because why? The prophecy was. His kingdom has come to an end will be given to the Medes and the Persians in 24 hours. The whole thing flipped.

The whole thing changed. Okay. Don't be surprised that didn't happen on Pentecost. Don't be surprised that did not happen on Pentecost. And why I'm saying is because we're seeing the flipping of the scales. And so what we're waiting for back on page 37, we're waiting for this third seal to manifest, which is financial collapse.

Calamities the crash of the US dollar the explosion of gold and silver on page 37 So we're looking for that event to happen So now if we scroll all the way back and go to the slide where he's talking on page 7 What I want people to understand is the viewers listen here The oil going to zero was a marker 40 days and 40 nights.

I just explained to you It was a second seal of revelation 40 days and 40 nights was Pentecost, George Floyd riots break out, peace was taken from the earth, everything you know with regards to peace changed. Tell me that I'm wrong. Look what I just described, what happened right after the George Floyd riots occurred.

Okay. We've seen nothing but peace was taken from the earth. So now let's go first full circle. We're stepping into the great. Undo for the great redo. Yes. What did we just know? Let's listen really closely here. Put that slide back up for just a second because right above that slide, we're going to look up and what do you see there?

You see his glory. You see April 8th, 2024. I put that there intentionally because that's a what? It's a marker. It's a sign. When you read back to Luke 21, 25, it says there'll be sign. moon stars. So we're gonna go the Jonah cycle 40 days and 40 nights forward from the sign. Hmm. What could it be? Pentecost.


How is this happening? Get it? 40 days and 40 nights. from what just so from what just witnessed yesterday today is the new year's day on the hebrew calendar so if you click on the on the slide 26 we're going to do the jonah sign from yesterday 40 days and 40 nights takes you to May 18th, 19th judgment.

Now there's two types of judgment that are going to happen here. Well, one judgment, one chastised it. God is, you know, for whatever a man soweth, thus shall he reap. Galatians, God is going to judge We're going to see judgment. It's going to be the most wild again. It's gonna happen this weekend. I don't know I'm doing the math for you, but it's freaking me out because the math is so perfect Okay, so what it's saying is judgment is going to come upon the world.

Okay, but the judgment is not for a covenant nation It's for those who? stole who took from the bride Everything is trying to steal everything. And so play that Kim Clement prophecy. And what does it say for you have been besieged America besieged by haters of America for how long? Seven years, but I will take you out of your besiegement.

Now, let's do six years, six months. Understand the math. You go back to Revelation 12 sign. That's basically seven years.

You have been besieged for seven years by haters of America. So go play the prophecy of Kim Clement, and I'm showing you that the 7 years started when Obama put transgenders in the military, and it's exactly from that point, 7 years this June, to the mark. If you use Revelation 12 sign, it's just 3 months later.

So from transgenders, the military to this June is exactly seven years. What I'm saying, Pentecost is literally the month before. So play the seven year prophecy right now, please. Thank you, Colton. Giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath stand in glee watching America. We will cripple you. You will lose your credit.

And people will become very afraid. I have said I will bring this nation to its knees. And God said you have been humbled. And then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. Okay, so let's do some math. 2016, from Obama. And transgenders in the military at seven years, 2023 timeline started in 2016, seven years, 2023.

What it can come in prophecy saying, we're going to bring your enemies to the floor. A massive, massive shaking is about to happen. This is going to be the greatest time point in human history. So now that I've explained all that. Let's listen closely to this prophecy and you'll understand what Kim was saying in reference to time.

For many that have cried out and said, God will destroy this nation. The spirit says, may I remind you, the covenant that I made with this nation is immutable, is unchangeable. And I created and spoke over this nation to feed the world, to heal the earth. God says, yes, judgment day. But it shall not come at this time in the fashion that they have spoken.

They have said, this shall be a crash and America shall be crippled. God said, not at this time, not at this time, but I have raised you up for a season and there shall be seven years where I will take you out of your besiegement. You have been besieged for seven years, America. You have been surrounded by your internal enemies.

Haters of America have stood up and I will. Take the wealth of the wicked and for a season transfer it into the hands of the righteous. All these people actually believe they're going to get away with it. Because why? They've all been tricked, or deceived, by who? The Great Deceiver! God's undefeated. God's letting them walk in, and they're walking into the greatest trap in human history.

I will bring an amount of restoration to this nation and they shall be taken out of the siege that you've been in for seven years and then the songs will come from all over this nation from young people who deserve to sing my song. Hey Flyover family come join us. June the 27th and 28th, 2024 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

We're going to be there with Clay Clark and amazing group of individuals that have made such a difference in so many people's lives. Do you want to increase your production in a job? Do you want to make more sales? Do you want to own your own business? Do you want to have breakthroughs financially? The key to that is knowledge.

Clay Clark is anointed to help people in business. We've watched him over the last couple of years and we've been blown away. He is part owner. Of over 160 businesses, 2. 4 billion in sales. Before politics and the great reset came into Clay's life, he had the number one rated Apple podcast. And he interviewed people like Anthony Robbins, Seth Godin, the top authors, top business minds in the world.

At this specific event, there was an interesting cast of characters that come from gangs to American Idol. Some of the guests that are going to be there, Michael Levine, Colton Dixon. Peter Taunton, John Lee Dumas, Mondo de La Viga, and Tim Tebow. They're there to share what they've done and their breakthroughs and what their story is, and then Clay lays his map of business success calls the path for every person to follow.

So you may be sitting there thinking, okay, okay, I get it, I get it. What do I have to do? Go to Thrive Times When you get there, the tickets are $250. Or whatever you can afford. Yes, you got that right. 250 or whatever you can afford. You can name your price. So there are no excuses. You have to join us there.

There are only a few VIP tickets left. Like David said, special dinner and special time with the speakers. That is 500. Why they last? So $500 only if you left. If you want a VIP ticket, we wanted to meet these speakers as well. So we got VIP tickets. I wanna meet Tim Tebow . I do too. The date is June the 27th and 28 2024 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Go to Thrive Time to get your ticket

that. So powerful, man. I'm taking all of these notes, tearing up a note card here. Okay? Break this down for us, Bob. So let's go some of the bullet points, right? I will bring this nation to its knees. Okay, well, that, that will happen, right? Because it's gonna look horrific and scary. What happened? Jesus at the cross, right?

Everybody freaked. The apostle was all bailed on 'em. The only thing we left for the women, thank God for the women , you know, but this is really what happened at the cross, at the, at the Red Sea. Everyone's freaking out. Why? Because there's no way out. Pharaoh's coming at him. They got nothing they can do.

They're dead. God showed up. You see, so we're at a point in time where judgment is coming. And he even said, you know, judgment will come, but it's going to come on the house of the wicked. It's going to come on the house of the wicked. Yes. We, the people will be chastised too, because God has to bring us to our knees.

So then when you, he go low, you can go high. He takes you low to take you high. But again, this is the shaking of the fence. God's going to shake this fence. So expect incredible things. The shakings will start to happen. Particularly what I heard through what actually credit to Janie. God spoke directly to her saying that it will start in Salem.

And those who know that specifically Salem is before there was the word Salem, there was the word Shalom. I don't know if you knew that. So Salem later on turned into the word Shalom. Or so first it was Shalom, Shalom, turn into Salem, Salem, and then Melchizedek changed Salem into Jerusalem, which is still Salem and the USA is in there.

And so all of the shakings about to happen across the globe, I don't know what all that means. Okay. But what I'm trying to illustrate is that the sign of Jonah is 40 days. from yesterday to Pentecost weekend. So this is what's called, I would call it a countdown to Pentecost, but in between Pentecost, cause he got the 70 and a hundredth day, the 70th day was resurrection.

The hundredth day was the, would be April 30th, 2024 hundredth day. It's the last day of Passover. So, Furthermore, he talked about the judgment will come. Wealth of the wicked will be transferred. That's Proverbs 13 22. The wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. And this is a time point where when you study that which has been will be again Exodus.

When you go and understand with the angel of death, if you can bring up slides specifically talking about the angel of death and Passover on the time window, we want to look at page 21 because page 21 will give us a visual calendar understanding so we can look at time from godly perspective. So yesterday.

was the eclipse yesterday when I said the word year 2023. So technically from the Hebrew calendar and applying it to our calendar, 2023 ended yesterday. Today would be the first of the year. Scripturally, that will be Exodus 12 to exodus 12 to it says count from this day forward is day one. And then what do you do?

Then you go all the way to the 10th day, which is Exodus 12, three on the Exodus, 12, three, you select your lamb. And then you slaughtered your lamb on when is the scripture for it? Well, It's the passover scripture and it talks about just slaughtering a lamb on nissan 14 Into 15 and so on the nissan 14 you slaughter your lamb Why because the angel of death shows up that night?

And then nissan 15 would be the the release where God intervenes. So remember, we talked first about God intervening at Passover. So, there is that prophecy, if the pharaohs of this world want a demonstration of my power, meaning God's power, a demonstration they shall receive, my first strike comes in the month of April.

Okay? And so that was an Amanda Grace prophecy. My point I'm trying to illustrate with that is, if God's gonna intervene on the world, it would be at Passover. So Passover 2024 is the 22nd of April. Now from the 22nd of April, it's an eight day calendar to the end. And the last day of Passover is the 30th.

So back on page 21, you'll see the last day of Passover is April 30th. What a coincidence. That just happens to be the hundredth day that Kim Clement spoke of. Wow. Bo, can I ask you a question here, if, if, if this, if this, you're going to get to this later maybe, but did you, do you find it interesting yesterday?

There was two main headlines, obviously the eclipse kind of dominated the headline cycle, but the, the second most popular headline was about abortion, was about Roe Wade, was about Trump's comments and the federal rights versus getting it back to the States. And, you know, a lot of people weighing in on that.

It was like. The two headlines of the day were eclipse and, and abortion yesterday. Oh yeah, that's true. I never thought about that. I did see a couple of clips about that as well. So, but again, that is abortion is the crux of everything. So abortion is the reason we're here. The reason Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, it was started in 71, it was the Davos Manifesto was written in 73, 50 years to the mark is now, okay?

So we're seeing fulfillment of what was written in the Davos Manifesto by Klaus Schwab. And so, but again, thou shall consecrate the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land. So we're about to witness, it's all about the land. The land is about the covenant. You see, the covenant represents the land and the people.

And so second Chronicles, if my children who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray. So it's an if then statement, it's very clear. It's like a computer program. If you do this, then God will do that. So second Chronicles, if my children who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face.

And here it is. Turn from their wicked ways, abortion. It's interesting that you say that because the center spot of the X is Carbondale, Illinois. That is the center, little Egypt of the X that was formed by the 2017 2024, Carbondale, Illinois. This is an interesting fact I learned from Robin Bullock yesterday because he did it in 11th hour.

Yesterday, typically on Tuesday, but yesterday, and if you, if you're Flapper family, if you've not seen it, I highly encourage you go watch the 11th hour that Robin Bullock put out. But he said that you're bringing up abortion, Carbondale, Illinois, the exact center of the X that was formed by that prior to Roe v.

Wade and all of that going down, there was no abortion clinics in Carbondale. After that, two opened up in Carbondale. Illinois in a very small community. It is a small town. We host help host that event with and so that whole abortion thing, Eclipse thing, there was definitely a reason spiritually because two abortion clinics opened up in Carbondale, Illinois after Roe v.

Wade went down. And right where the X was made, there was there is not, was there is a cross that's 111 feet tall, 111. And there's another eclipse that makes that alpha, right? So there's another eclipse in the year 2023 when we are speaking at the reawakened tourism 2023. And then they crossed that again yesterday, too.

And there's another cross there, and that's in Texas, and that cross is 77 feet and 7 inches. Inches tall. Wow. So, so at both points, none of these are by accident ? Yeah. So at both points that, so there's two eclipses that were crossed yesterday, the cross, the eclipse of 2017, and the eclipse of 2023. Both of these eclipses from past had crosses at the exact same mark.

The one of 23, the height was 77 feet, seven inches tall. The one of 2017 was 111 100 and 11 feet tall. So if you add up the total, that's. 8888. 8888. Trinity. Wow. So it's just showing you how perfect all of this is and how awesome our God is. And it's literally, and so we just have to understand we're living in biblical times.

So we're watching these incredible things manifest. And again, I've said, you know, God speaks through his word. So I always go back to the word, but you know, but we've referenced that a lot of times through this podcast. He speaks through the servants of prophets. He speaks through numerics, which I'm trying to illustrate, and the numerics are not almost right.

No, they're perfect. That's the, that's the crazy part, because it's not crazy. It's by design. And then beyond that, he speaks through the sign the signs in the heavens or sun, moon, and stars. So all we're watching, I'm just putting the one piece together that everybody, so everybody will have a road we walk on.

Right. And, and so I'm just trying to show you how awesome. Our God is, but we're really, yeah, it's, and he's, he's doing this to show us that we're about to see biblical interventions. Okay. So let's get to the nitty gritty here again. So between the 70th, 100th day, the spirit of pythos will be destroyed.

Well, what does that mean? Well, what I said earlier, Passover is a time of what intervention. I would expect based on the calculations, we were going to see some type of biblical intervention at Passover. If you bring slide 21 up, you'll see the day before Passover. Remember, we've got 4, 000 years of the Jews, 2, 000 years of the Gentiles.

We talked about ever since you go Christ was born. So it was about 2000 years ago. And then the thousand year millennial reign, which is what we're waiting for. So the birth of the bride and the bride ultimately leads to what, you know, we're going to thousand year millennial reign. So it's 421. Get it? Yep.

Now look at the day before Passover, April 21, year 24, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4. It's right there in front of you. Look at it. The day before Passover is 4, So that is a, by definition from a biblical, biblical perspective, it's called death to life. So right at Passover, I'm telling you the calculations are saying that if we study history and then the calculations layered into that, expect intervention.

The intervention is then followed by something a few days later. Later a few weeks later, which leads us into Pentecost from the time point as well meant from Nissan 17 will be the 25th Nissan 17 will be like kind of a new beginning because member so now we study Exodus the scriptures of Exodus We've talked this in prior podcasts.

It took if we look at the slides page 27. It took from Passover 16 days. So Angel of Death shows up. So let me explain. We've no Kim Clement oh Robin Bullock. I'm not sure Kim, but I know about four or five prophets have stated. We've said this before in prior podcasts, Angel of Death is on the earth.

We've stated that and not, we've stated that it's been verified by three or four, maybe five prophets, many voices. Julie Green Angel Death is on your Kim Clement. Mm-Hmm. . Okay. So we've got the Angel of Death prophecies. We know that if the Angel of Death should and could show up, it would be potentially an a cycle of time.

Like that would just, bing will be again. So what happened at the time of. Passover. So there's a huge probability. We're going to see hundreds of potentially thousands of deaths in a single night in April. Okay. But it's death of the city, because remember the angel of death attacked evil and passed over Goshen.

So understand we're standing in that moment in time. And because of that, God took away Pharaoh's most prized possession, his son and understand the next morning. Israel was freed from bondage. So let's do the math 16 days to get to the Red Sea. I'm not making these numbers up This is an exodus from this from the 16 days.

They camped at the Red Sea for eight days They crossed on the 25th day the 25th day they crossed and then Pharaoh went into the Red Sea and God closed the Red Sea on Pharaoh's head and It went from being Israel being destroyed in the morning to being victorious on the other side and Pharaoh being destroyed in 24 hours.

So that was on the 25th day. So 25 days from Passover is, oh, what a coincidence, Pentecost. From every angle, God has hit it from every angle. And then, let's look at the big picture. Yeah, that slide right there. This is the big picture. Okay? So let's have some fun here. So, look at the big picture. So Mayflower lands, November 21, 1620.

We know Israel is in bondage 400 years. 400 years is November 2020. Oh, the stolen election. Right? And then you read Daniel 12, 7. It says, It will be for a time, times, and a half a time. Which means it. When Jesus Christ's ministry was stolen. It was an it thing. Jesus was the it. It was for three and a half years.

His ministry was for three and a half years. So it could be good. It could be bad. Please understand. That's why God used the word it, because whatever you want, whatever God decides to put in there, that will happen. So it was good when Jesus got baptized. Oh, it was really good, right? It was. And so we had three and a half years of the greatest time the world's ever seen at that time because science, miracles and wonders.

Okay. So if you go from November 21 of 2024, 2020, you go, it will be forward, but this time you're going to insert the word evil, evil will be. For three and a half years, three and a half years takes you to November 21, 2020. I'm sorry. It takes you to May 21, 2024, four days or three days after Pentecost. But in fact, it's the second Passover.

There's a second Passover for those that were not clean. And Amanda Grace talked about that. So I texted her when, when she did that. So this freaked me out because now we're talking 400 hundred year calculation. 400 years to the exact day Mayflower lands. You add 400 years to the election. You add a, it will be cycle of Daniel cycle, and you land on second Passover 2024.

I don't know what to tell you, except this is mind blowing and how this comes out. Page 29 about Passover is awesome because what happened because Nimrod is building the Tower of Babel. Was he not? Right before it was complete, he was building with what? What was he building it with? Bricks! Read Genesis 11 3.

He was building it with bricks! Come on people! There are no coincidences! He was building the Tower of Babel with bricks and right before they finished building the Tower of Babel, God showed up, destroyed the Tower of Babel, twisted everybody's tongues, the Holy Spirit, changing of the tongues, speaking in tongues, and the Tower of Babel fell on Pentecost.

Babel, mystery Babel lawn. Wow Okay, Bo we get we're in the last like minute and a half So before we let you go anything else that you want to share with the flyover family because this is so exciting I can't believe I've taken so many notes and I David even put some stuff on the side to research because we're so excited about what You were saying it made us think of this or that or check this out Yom Kippur War started exactly 50 years to the mark, Leviticus cycle, October 6th, to the mark, 73 to 23, boom, boom, right to the mark.

Go check my videos. Why? It's not about me, it's about God, God revealing things to me. He said, count and look at the four specific dates relative to the Yom Kippur War. Will it play out this way? I don't know, but the peace treaty on the Yom Kippur War was signed on May 31. 1974 which means that right after the Red Sea Miracles that happened in May if the financial system Collapses or crushes they lose the doll loses status the world reserve currency Guess what?

They fund the wars with all the US dollar, which no one's accepting anymore, huh? Interesting. We just may see the wars come to a sudden end by May 31 2024. Will it I don't know but if you look on page 35, you'll see precisely the exact matching of every single, there's four dates from the Yom Kippur War to the Tabernacle War and on page 35, you will see an exact replica match.

All that's missing is May 31. What happens? We're all going to find out together, but I'm showing you between Pentecost, between the 30th, 70th day, Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost, We can may 18th, 19. Fasten your seatbelts because that also is a Jonah three, six judgment. And vindication because when God intervenes, it's both it's judgment and vindication at the same time.

Look what happened at the Red Sea. I love it. It's so good. Okay. So fly over family again to get everything that Bo was going through. Just text the phone number 4 Text the word Bo B O to 4 Also make sure you're following him at Gold, 2020 forecast. com gold, 2020 forecast. com. Bo, thank you so much for your time.

This has been so enlightening and so exciting as always. I'm buckled up and tuned in. I know it's a great time to be alive. That's for sure. Thanks again, Bo. If you want to do anything worthwhile in life, you've got to be hungry. It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.

So everyday I was working to develop myself. And that's what you must do. I promise you one thing. You have never seen any player in the entire country play as hard as I will play the rest of the season. Get in here! Hey, we got 30 minutes for the rest of our lives! 30 minutes! 30 minutes! 30 minutes for the rest of our lives!

There were none before me, and there will be none after me. Therefore, that makes me the one and only. Young and single, and love to make a certified, bona fide, and duly qualified to bring you satisfaction and a whole lot of action. Look at me, ma'am, your love man! I was hungry! I was hungry! You gotta be hungry!

June the 27th and 28th, 2024 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We're going to be there with Clay Clark, an amazing group of individuals that have made such a difference in so many people's lives. Do you want to increase your production in a job? Do you want to make more sales? Do you want to own your own business? Do you want to have breakthroughs financially?

The key to that is knowledge. Clay Clark is anointed to help people in business. We've watched him over the last couple of years and we've been blown away. He is part owner. Of over 160 businesses, 2. 4 billion in sales before politics and the great reset came into Clay's life. He had the number one rated Apple podcast and any interviewed people like Anthony Robbins, Seth Godin, the top authors, top business minds in the world at this specific event.

There was an interesting cast of characters that come from gangs to American Idol. Some of the guests that are going to be there, Michael Levine, Colton Dixon, Peter Taunton, John Lee Dumas, Mondo De La Viga, and Tim Tebow. They're there to share what they've done and their breakthroughs and what their story is.

And then Clay lays his map of business success, calls the path for every person to follow. So you may be sitting there thinking, OK, OK, I get it. I get it. What do I have to do? Go to thrive timeshow. com when you get there, the tickets are 250 or whatever you can afford. Yes, you got that right. 250 or whatever you can afford.

You can name your price. So there are no excuses. You have to join us there. There are only a few VIP tickets left like David said. Said special dinner and special time with the speakers. That is $500. Why they last? So $500. Only a few left. If you want a VIP ticket. We wanted to meet these speakers as well.

So we got VIP tickets. I wanna meet Tim Tebow . I do too. The date is June the 27th and 28th, 2024 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Go to Thrive time to get your ticket. And

thank you Flyover family for joining us today. Want to mention June 27, 28, the business conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And you wonder like, why do we do that? Why do we bring that up? And here's why there's been a concerted effort to crush businesses in America, to move everything to big box stores, to the billionaires.

We need more of us starting businesses and taking the ones we have and taking them to the next level and thriving. Our whole mission is this, that Americans do better and thrive. And that we literally are moving to Wealth from the wicked to the righteous. Well, it's hard to do if you're not participating in the free enterprise system.

That is what America is about, but you got to know what you're doing. So you don't end up like a bug on the windshield. A lot of businesses fail and a lot of business colleges and they just teach theories. You need to know exactly what you're doing. This is an opportunity to do it. We're going to be there June 27th to 28 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Sean Baker, Tim Tebow, whole list of people. But, but ultimately it's the pathway that Clay has, Clay Clark has used to teach thousands of business owners to go from good to great. It's not mystical. It's not a mystery. It's a framework and a path that they lay out in detail. That is exactly right. So you go to thrive, timeshow.

com. Just let them know, fly over, sign up. Sent you and you can get in the drawing for the backstage past to meet some of this. It will be a blast. Thanks again for joining us tonight. We bless you. We bless you to realize you were born for such a time as this. We bless you to realize your future is brighter than your past and we bless you to wake up, speak up and show up.

Please like and share this episode. We'll see you back here again next time, guys. All right. Peace out. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of the Flyover Conservatives podcast with David and Stacey Wyden. Please subscribe, hit the notification bell, and leave us a comment below. Lastly, if you enjoyed today's podcast, share with those who came to mind.

Be blessed and make it a great day.


Bo Polny is a biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst; the face behind YouTube's Gold2020Forecast, with currently 17-million+ views!

Bo Polny holds possibly the most verifiably accurate Bitcoin & Gold cycle forecasting track record in the world.

Bo states… “Cycles are real, both evil and Jesus are real, the future is written. As January 2020 we are living in Biblical Times and because history repeats and God revealed some of His times calculation through the prophet Daniel, it is now possible to calculate important ‘key’ TIME points into the future.”

Bo Polny



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