Billy Carson on C.E.R.N, Portals, Wormholes, Higher Dimensions and 'SPACE'! [15.04.2024]

9 months ago

Note: I dont Fucking trust this Psyop Billy Carson... He talk as he trust NASA's 'Science'...
Trust the Fucking 'Science'!
And that we all live on a Spinning Ball Flying Through 'Space'...
And Einstein was also a Fucking Illuminato Freemason Psyop if you didn't know...
But WTF do I know :) Still interesting to hear what he says...
Always remember people...

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

"Those who tells the Stories, Rule Society!" Plato (423-348 BC)

"Question Everything, Listen to Everyone, Read Everything and Believe Absolutely Nothing... Unless You Can Prove It in Your Own Research and Come To Your Own Fucking Conclusions!!" - William 'Bill' Cooper R.I.P (1943-2001)
Billy Carson explains his opinion on the mysterious world of CERN's research into portals, wormholes, and higher dimensions.

Delving into ancient texts and crystal megaliths, he explores the potential for interdimensional travel and the implications of manipulating frequencies.

Carson discusses the possibility of beings from higher dimensions accessing our reality.

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