174. Niacin: Proper Dosing for Kidney Disease - Dr. Steven McConnell

10 months ago

Stephen D. McConnell, BS, MSc-CCP, CIS

PMM, LLC- SME-Subject Matter Expert

Lipid Specialist - Clinical Application Specialist

Consultant for: FQHC‘s, Rural Health Clinics

CMS MSSP’s – Medicare Shared Savings Programs:

ACO/MACRA/MIPS/Direct Contracting

Medical Science Liaison

Mobile: 814-572-1801


A medical industry professional, with over 20 years of experience, including 11-years as an MSL in the diagnostics industry. Earlier on, 1999 through

2003, Steve had worked with Dupont/Bracco in the CARDIOLITE nuclear cardiology imaging franchise. This includes 10 years as a field MSL experience. Steve

possesses an extensive knowledge of cardiology/lipidology, development of CV/renal/metabolic disorder prevention/ treatment protocols. Steve has

experience with rare disease & orphan drug experience. OR/Operating room setting experience with management of open-heart patients and ancillary

procedures including pacemaker implanting. These required constant monitoring of infusion, injectable and inhalable anesthetics as well as inhalable

anesthetics and in-line blood gas monitoring several times per hour. Familiarity with infusion, renal replacement therapy, IV nutrition and iron

supplementation therapy, via infusion. Clinical experience with generics, mainly cardiovascular and renal. Experience with managing diabetes, as well as

prediabetes for women’s health as well as male patients. Clinical management experience, as well as on the industry side, with diuretic/hypertension

therapy and all other cardio-metabolic/cardio-renal therapeutics. On the industry side, experience with DuPont CV imaging and their injectable

nuclear/radio isotope franchise. This involves hospital negotiations to ensure utilization of the injectable for nuclear stress test procedures. Renal

disease/CKD, especially ESRD/stage 5 CKD dialysis units. Worked independently to address/recognize challenges and opportunities. Activities include

identifying potential speakers and Key Opinion Leaders [KOLS], Key Medical Experts (KMEs) and HCPs conducting high level scientific exchange and

function as their scientific resource. KOL’s & KME’s Additional experience managing and training the Xymogen sales force 2011-2012. Possesses a

thorough knowledge of hospital and CV-surgical suite protocols & a special emphasis on advanced CV prevention therapies. Provide medical and

scientific support and assist in the training of the Marketing and Sales departments. Extensive experience managing large geographies utilizing superb

time management skills.

Currently, preparing for the NLA/ABCLS pre-boarding process in lipidology fellowship. As an MSL, perform advanced-biomarker interpretation,

treatment recommendations & physician/patient education for a network of practices and lipid-clinics nationwide. Provide advanced disease state

training for field-representatives & accelerate the providers ‘learning-curve’ process in full utilization of the biomarkers.


11:49:57 From Steve : Hope you cover any contraindications of niacin
11:51:25 From Dr. Tom Lewis : We will cover that. It’s more about the dosage and overall therapeutic approach.
11:56:30 From Stephen McConnell : Regards,

Stephen D. McConnell, BS, MSc-CCP, CIS

PMM, LLC- SME-Subject Matter Expert

Lipid Specialist - Clinical Application Specialist

Consultant for: FQHC‘s, Rural Health Clinics

CMS MSSP’s – Medicare Shared Savings Programs:

ACO/MACRA/MIPS/Direct Contracting

Medical Science Liaison

Mobile: 814-572-1801


Sent from my iPhone, apologies for any typos
11:58:48 From read.ai meeting notes : Harvey added read.ai meeting notes to the meeting.

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12:00:25 From - : Any reason I get Niacin flush to the point of looking as if I had an anaphylactic allergic reaction? I feel good, I just look funny for about an hour> My ND said he didn’t expect I would respond so quickly.
12:00:30 From Wayne : sometime discuss HDL/LDL- P and LDL - C
12:03:27 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Speaking of Boston – Boston Marathon today!!!
12:04:00 From Pixel 8 : Did u click record button?
12:04:32 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "Did u click record b..."

Yes he did
12:04:53 From Martha Stark, MD : Thank you!
12:06:10 From Joel B Peterson : What was the name of that Dr?
12:08:08 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I missed the name but this is recorded
12:08:22 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I missed the name bu..." with ❤️
12:09:38 From Doris Fellenz : Wow. Niacin helps to heal the gums?
12:12:00 From - : How does on get the niacin that is not sustain released? Nutraceutical grade.
12:12:44 From Joy Gentle : Is there a blood lab that indicates if we are niacin deficient? Or combination of common markers which would indicate niacin may be indicated?
12:17:45 From - : Urban African-American communities also are inundated with dialysis clinic. Looking forward to this reversal.
12:19:12 From M F : I used to take Niacinamide 500 mg for dementia. Could not tolerate it, caused severe anxiety and shortness of breath. Niacin for me is the same. Could it be the faulty COMT gene that causes similar issues by not being able to degrade catecholamines that are released in response to B vitamins? What is exactly the difference between Niacin and Niacinamide?
12:23:00 From - : Any effect with or room for humics and fulvates as it concerns niacin therapy
12:24:43 From Steve : Are you familiar with the Mimio product? It's a biomimetic - activates the body's natural longevity pathways.


Uses high levels of nicotinamide, as well as Spermidine, Oleoylethanolamide, and Palmitoylethanolamide.
12:26:43 From Pixel 8 : Reacted to I used to take Niaci... with "👍"
12:26:55 From Pixel 8 : Reacted to Is there a blood lab... with "👍"
12:32:39 From leslie : what dosage and frequency do you try to titrate your patients up to?
12:33:23 From Pixel 8 : Fantastic guest
12:33:46 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Reacted to "Fantastic guest " with ♥️
12:35:33 From WG : I believe the military uses B3 to flush out soldiers who get into toxic places during war situations
12:36:40 From eileen armes : can someone on dialysis be helped, possibly to the point of being able to stop dialysis?
12:37:21 From Brenda : Can you help with protein in the urine?
12:38:33 From Edge : What would be an effective dose of niacin for lowerinng LDL?
12:38:37 From umesh : Replying to "I used to take Niaci..."

I had the same issue with anxiety and brain fog after I started taking NR a few years ago. I found articles by Chris Masterjohn PhD, that explained that Niacin/NR/etc. absorb Methyl groups which can cause these issues. As suggested by him, I started taking TMG (tri methyl glycine) and it helped a lot.
12:41:30 From howie : whats a reasonable range of dose? i understand dr hoffer used up to 3 grams daily for depression, more extreme, but used successfully;
12:42:22 From Brenda : What is the supplement called? Meltaway?
12:43:54 From Melissa B : What about sudden drop in Blood Pressure to very low due to too much niacin. How do you prevent this?
12:44:59 From Steve : Replying to "I used to take Niaci..."

Is this true that niacin absorbs methyl groups?????
12:47:46 From WG : You keep saying niacin, as opposed to niacinamide
12:47:47 From Alice Child : will niacin eliminate calcification of valve (their only solution was replacement of heart valve).
12:51:21 From leslie : I got facial muscle rictus when I tried to titrate up. Did I use too much or go too fast or shouldn't take Niacin?
12:52:32 From Jlaird To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : MAY 1ST——HE IS COMING BACK
12:52:43 From Doris Fellenz : What is the dosage to regrow gums?
12:54:19 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : What is the dosage to regrow gums?
12:54:36 From Edge : How do we get a hold of Stephen?
12:54:41 From Brenda : Does anyone remember the name of the niacin supplement that he mentioned?
12:55:05 From Dr. Tom Lewis : His contact information is near the top - he even gave his cell phone.
12:55:12 From Steve : Replying to "How do we get a hold..."

12:55:13 From - : Regards,

Stephen D. McConnell, BS, MSc-CCP, CIS

PMM, LLC- SME-Subject Matter Expert

Lipid Specialist - Clinical Application Specialist

Consultant for: FQHC‘s, Rural Health Clinics

CMS MSSP’s – Medicare Shared Savings Programs:

ACO/MACRA/MIPS/Direct Contracting

Medical Science Liaison

Mobile: 814-572-1801


Sent from my iPhone, apologies for any typos
12:55:30 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Replying to "Does anyone remember..."

KAL is company, strawberry flavor, but missed the specific name ...
12:56:07 From Pixel 8 : Replying to "Does anyone remember..."

Niacpan ?
12:56:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Rugby Niacin
12:56:17 From - : Can it replace using nicotine patches to release certain toxins?
12:56:37 From Pixel 8 : Replying to "Does anyone remember..."

12:56:42 From Steve : Replying to "Can it replace using..."

Good question!!
12:57:13 From Doris Fellenz : What is his email and cell phone?
12:57:21 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Reacted to "Regards,

Stephen D..." with 👍
12:57:21 From Edge : Stephen D. McConnell, BS, MSc-CCP, CIS

PMM, LLC- SME-Subject Matter Expert

Lipid Specialist - Clinical Application Specialist

Consultant for: FQHC‘s, Rural Health Clinics

CMS MSSP’s – Medicare Shared Savings Programs:

ACO/MACRA/MIPS/Direct Contracting

Medical Science Liaison

Mobile: 814-572-1801

12:57:45 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "What is his email an..."

Mobile: 814-572-1801
12:58:46 From Jlaird To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : 1:15 SHE JUT GOT BACK TO ME. :)
12:58:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Jlaird(privately) : Thank you.
12:59:13 From Joy Gentle : Did Stephen share a website where we can learn more about his work? Didn't see website in above post.
12:59:46 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Joy: You send him an email and he will send you more information than you can process.
12:59:54 From Joy Gentle : Reacted to "Joy: You send him a..." with 🙂
13:00:05 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I will publish all he would send on a blog - probably tomorrow on Wednesday.
13:00:27 From Steve : Replying to "I will publish all h..."

Thank you. This was yet another good one!!
13:00:29 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "I will publish all h..."

Right, it would be crazy for all of us to e-mail him for essentially the same info.
13:01:02 From Dr. Tom Lewis : YES - IF YOU WANT A CONSULT - CONTACT HIM
13:01:08 From Steve : Let's keep going
13:01:14 From Joel B Peterson : YEEEAAA
13:01:17 From Dr. Tom Lewis : IF NOT, WAIT FOR ME TO PUBLISH ALL HE SENT ME.
13:01:21 From Debra's iPad : What about someone with leukemia?
13:01:52 From Steve : Replying to "What about someone w..."

I was thinking something similar re blood disorders.
13:02:12 From Alice Child : and folks with calcified valves????
13:03:28 From Steve : Replying to "IF NOT, WAIT FOR ME ..."

Will you send us the dropbox link for the files?
13:04:00 From Alice Child : thanks!!!!!!!
13:04:25 From Steve : That's why I use Valasta
13:04:58 From Pixel 8 : Replying to "That's why I use Val..."

Whats that do
13:05:45 From Steve : Replying to "That's why I use Val..."

13:06:28 From mira : Reacted to Urban African-Americ... with "👍"
13:06:45 From mira : Reacted to Any effect with or r... with "👍"
13:07:21 From Edge : I got a friend on valasta who had debilitating acid reflux. It disappreared after 3 weeks. Good stuff steve!
13:08:54 From Steve : A mind-expanded Luke Storey interview re seed oils:

13:09:58 From - : Thank you.
13:10:25 From - : Replying to "A mind-expanded Luke..."

Thank you.
13:11:53 From mira : Reacted to A mind-expanded Luke... with "🙏"
13:12:40 From Pixel 8 : Reacted to https://valasta.net/... with "👍"
13:13:30 From Edge : Loved it!
13:13:35 From Brenda : Great talk!
13:13:57 From Steve : :*)

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