10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 10)

9 months ago

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:05 {Is Something Missing from Jesus’ Sacrifice?} Colossians 1: 24 says that something is “lacking in the afflictions of Christ.” Some people say this verse teaches that Paul is going to suffer for the salvation of others. Can we help pay for other people’s sins?
2. 18:03 {Home Churches & Pastors’ Pay} Can you address the belief that churches should only meet in homes, that church buildings are unbiblical, and pastors should not be paid? I’m questioning if this is biblical.
3. 28:35 {Unworthy of Salvation but Valuable to God} How would you convey that we are not worthy of salvation but we still have worth to God?
4. 34:10 {Which Sacrifices Have Ended?} What sacrifices and offerings is Gabriel talking about in Daniel 9: 27?
5. 39:15 {Is Everyone Called to Street-Preaching?} Do you think the warning in James 3:1 has implications for evangelism? I think all Christians should be ready to share their testimony when asked (1 Peter 3: 15), but not all should street preach.
6. 50:03 {Red Heifer – Pointing to Christ?} In numbers 19, can you explain if and how the ashes from the red heifer point to Jesus? Especially verses 6, 9-10, and 11-13.
7. 56:07 {Can Prophecies be given “On-Demand”?} A couple with a prophetic ministry came to my church and gave a word of knowledge to all who asked. I don’t see prophecy-on-demand in Scripture. Is this a proper use of the gift of prophecy?
8. 1:03:36 {Wisdom on Mercy vs. Justice} How should I balance mercy and justice as a Christian? How do you know when each one is appropriate? When is it wrong to apply mercy and grace, and when does it become unjust to do so?
9. 1:06:40 {Records Before Moses?} How were records kept and passed down before Moses? How did Moses write about Abram?
10. 1:11:02 {Jesus Died for You} I’m struggling to understand how we can understand Jesus dying on the cross for our sins personally when it was 2,000 years ago. I’m in the Bible and in prayer all the time, but I still have no peace or assurance.

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1pm Pacific time.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website

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