Donate to Israel PR firm to combat anti-semitism!

6 months ago

Project Slingshot
Slingshot in action. Our unique, online advertising technology platform

At Israel Slingshot, we use open-web advertising technology to deliver targeted messages that cannot be ignored. We are rewriting the story of hate and misconceptions, reclaiming our voice, and forging a path towards a future free from prejudice.
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Israel Slingshot is an offensive advocacy initiative that fights antisemitic propaganda using an Online Iron Dome. With the help of advanced advertising technologies, we distribute ads that reach hundreds of millions of viewers on the leading websites in the world, thereby attacking the antisemitic narrative on it's soft-spot.

Beating Antisemitism Using The Open-Web
While antisemitism is rising like never before, both online and offline, most of "Hasbara" efforts are fighting an uphill battle against social media biased algorithms.

Project Slingshot is using advanced advertising technologies to reshape the narrative and spread pro-jewish messaging to billions of eyes.

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