Red Deer Receives $3 Million Boost

10 months ago

Red Deer Receives $3 Million Boost to Extend Family Justice Strategy, Offering Relief from Court Complexities...
“The Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch supports the expansion of the Alberta Family Justice Strategy, which moves our province closer to having a fully unified family court system. We look forward to continued innovations in this area, which will serve to improve court processes and advance access to justice for Alberta families.” ~ Kyle Kawanami, president, Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch.
Introduced in December 2023, the Family Resolution Hub provides Albertans with an online platform to explore dispute resolution options for family law matters, alleviating the need for court visits and reducing stress.
“As a family lawyer, I understand the profound impact legal proceedings can have on individuals and families. By providing alternative forms of resolution for family matters and streamlining the family justice system, we can begin to build a more compassionate system that better supports all Albertans.” ~ Bud Melnyk, K.C., family lawyer.

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