Avoid These Foods (and Eat These Instead) if You Want to Improve Your Health

9 months ago

Our health is everything. We only get one body and one life, so choosing what fuel to give that body is crucial to operating at our best.

In this week’s episode, Dr. Jay breaks down how some of the most heavily consumed foods in our country are slowly making us all sick. Using the latest research, he walks through what we know to be true about these common killers and why they are the main cause of our obesity and sickness epidemics. Along the way he adds in some tips for nutritional best practices and a few alternatives to consider when putting together your next meal plan.

Have feedback for the show? Interested in working with Dr. Jay? Reach out at drjay@tripleplife.com

00:00 Introduction
02:12 Success Snack
04:19 Topic Intro
04:46 MSG
10:24 Add Before You Take Away
11:41 Diet Soda
16:53 Seed Oils
22:10 Butter & Animal Fats
24:09 Make the Decision to Change
26:09 Recap & Wrap Up

Find all things Triple P Life by visiting: https://www.powerpassionprosperity.com/
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Find all the nutrition and supplement products Triple P Nutrition has to offer here: https://www.tripleplifenutrition.com/

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