Claim Breach to re-open a court file

10 months ago

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info@ConstitutionalConventions.caSo I got a, how to just to kind of reopen that. You can just simply claim that they're in breach because they are for.

I said, You know, you could claim breach to open the file again, like breach of, their obligations because they're forcing you to associate as the tenant.

And then you just disclaim that title, the tenant.

Yeah, it's come to my attention. It's Yeah, yeah, it's come to my attention that there's a breach and we're gonna go ahead and reopen this case because somebody's forcing me to associate as a tenant.

He's a tenant right now and he's being forced to be a tenant because the queen has the property and he's the trustee.

It's in the enactments that he is a tenant and he's being forced to be a tenant.

Monday morning, just call down to the courthouse, speak with the clerk.

Just say hey it's come to my attention that there's a breach of obligation here Somebody's associating aiding? me as a tenant which is a violation. The breach of your guys's duty.

The separation of power now.

Yeah, and you want to reopen the file to answer into evidence.

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