3 Good Responses To Bad Theology | Galatians 5:10

11 months ago

Are there people peddling bad theology in your church?

Today, we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Michael Forte from Astoria, OR. Michael, your support through purchasing materials from our website is invaluable to us. We honestly couldn't do this without you!

Let's dive into our scripture for today, a thought-provoking verse from Galatians 5:10.

I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view, and the one who is troubling you will bear the penalty, whoever he is. — Galatians 5:10

One Bad Apple
Continuing with yesterday's lesson, Paul points out that the bacteria of legalism stems from one bad person. He assumes that this guy, whoever he is, is the peddler of all the bad theology that has infiltrated the churches in the area.

If you are a new believer, you need to know that sometimes people peddle bad theology. Some people and pastors peddle bad doctrine that is harmful to the Gospel. Usually, it stems from one charismatic person peddling a charismatic idea and spreading it to numerous churches. In my lifetime, I have seen this spread, just like it did here, through the churches in Galatia.

So, how do we respond to bad theology? Here's a clear, three-step process:

Three Good Responses
First and foremost, you need to know that not all theology is good theology. Bad theology exists, and it's harmful. As we discussed yesterday, it's like a bacteria that will infect and alter the composition of the truth.

Second, make sure you are listening and learning from people who teach from the Bible. The people and pastors that you listen to need to be people who open the Bible. They should be people who read the Bible, reference it, and live according to it. They will have a rich understanding of biblical truth and teachings because they don't skip over texts and subject their life to the text. In the case of the Galatians, Paul was that man. Paul's intention with this letter was to guide them back to the purity of the Gospel. Fortunately for the churches there, he had enough sense to engage with the issue and point people back to the Bible and the pure Gospel. In the same way, we need to listen to proven teachers like Paul, not simply the ones with the latest and greatest charisma. So, seek out great biblical teachers.

Lastly, the most effective way to detect bad theology is to raise obvious questions when something seems off and wait until you get a logical, biblical answer. When I hear something from a teacher that raises a red flag, questions usually start firing off in my mind, like: What was that again? How does that work? You want me to do what?

For example, suppose you are listening to a teacher who declares that all the men ready to go to the next step in their faith need to line up at the altar for a circumcision ceremony, and Pastor Richard is going to lend a hand. In that case, some questions should be firing off in your mind. Questions like: Pastor Richard is going to do what? Even this suggestion might seem absurd to you, but that's precisely what happened in Galatia, and men were lining up to do it. They lined up to do it because false teachers had manipulated the Old Testament Law to prove a point that wasn't valid, and it appears people lined up without questioning it. Their explanations failed to account for the fact that everything in the Old Testament Law pointed to one man, one birth, one death, and one resurrection accomplished in Jesus—not by the rite of circumcision.

Therefore, if you detect bad theology and it doesn't prove itself in Jesus' accomplished work on the Cross, then it's time to ask Pastor Richard that question that is stirring in your mind before you unbuckle your pants.

#GuardAgainstFalseDoctrine #BewareThePeddlers #PureGospelTruth #SpottingRedFlags #DefendTheFaith


How can you actively discern between sound biblical teaching and potentially harmful theology in your own church community?
Reflecting on your own spiritual journey, what steps can you take to ensure that you are rooted in the truth of the Gospel and not swayed by charismatic but erroneous teachings?
DO THIS: Ask questions when you encounter questionable doctrine.

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me wisdom to discern between truth and falsehood, and the courage to stand firm in the purity of your Gospel amidst the noise of deceptive teachings. Guide me to seek out and learn from faithful teachers who faithfully proclaim your Word, so that I may grow deeper in my understanding and application of your truth. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me.

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