The Leaven of Legalism | Galatians 5:9

9 months ago

Are you adding bacteria to the Gospel?

Today, we want to extend a special thank you to Chuck Peter from Roseville, MN. Your support of our ministry is invaluable, and we truly appreciate it. We couldn't do this without you!

A little leaven leavens the whole lump. — Galatians 5:9

How Leaven Works
Here is your science lesson for the day.

Leavening causes dough to rise by introducing microorganisms into it. Yeast is the most common form of bacteria. When this is added to a dough, it begins to feed on the sugars. As the yeast feeds on them, it produces carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide gas forms bubbles within the dough, causing it to expand and rise. One of the byproducts of this reaction is alcohol fermentation, which gives bread its taste.

How Legalism Works
Paul is making a parallel. Like leaven in a dough, legalism works the same way. Legalism is like bacteria. It is a small additive that spreads fast from one believer to the next. Therefore, a tiny thought of legalism inserted into the Gospel story affects the whole story. We may think that adding this in is good, but it's not. It changes the composition of the story, thus changing the whole story.

Don't Improve The Gospel With Bacteria
Here's the point.

You don't need to improve God's story. It belongs to him. He is the one who told it. Tell it like it is, and stop adding bacteria to it. When you add anything to it, you puff yourself up and distract others from the one who saves. Besides, you can't save anyone anyway. Only Jesus saves, so let's point them all to him.

#GospelIntegrity #LegalismWarning #PureGospel #SpiritualContamination #JesusSaves


How can we actively guard against adding our own "leaven" of legalism or personal agendas to the Gospel message in our conversations and teachings?
How can we ensure that our presentation of the Gospel remains faithful and true to its original message without being diluted or contaminated by human ideas or traditions?
DO THIS: Don't contaminate the gospel with your bacteria.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to recognize and resist the temptation to add anything to your perfect Gospel, knowing that your message stands alone in its power to save. Keep my heart focused on pointing others to you, the only true Savior. Amen.

PLAY THIS: The Gospel.

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