Is the leader of the duck a kitten_ Funny and lovely animals.

10 months ago

Cats are independent as the rising sun. They observe everything with their gentle feline eyes, they loves to sit on a lap for strokes, they purr like a well oiled engine - loud and strong, and wind around their owner’s legs at meal times. Cats are indeed funny animals with their black and white preened fur they patrol in the garden, chase butterflies and pounce on beetles. When they are confined within the borders of their homes, they leave muddy paw prints across the kitchen tiles, mew for food when they are hungry and snooze on the couch, wait for fuss, purr like a tractor while their fur flies everywhere.

Shorty and Kodi are probably one of our favorite cats on Rumble. They always find a way to make us laugh, make us feel good and full of positive energy. They like hanging out with their buddy. They love to play around the house with him, eat cat food, and they even love exercising yoga with him!
You might say that Sid is acting like a bully, taking his precious time to drink from the spray, instead of going to his water bowl and drink from it instead. But this is a free world we live in and Sid can certainly drink water wherever he pleases, and Katie has to learn to be more understanding about it.

Watch and enjoy as this clean cat enjoys the nice, warm shower, while the Great Dane is waiting patiently for his turn under the running water. Such a wonderful moment!

Judging by this hilarious video, Sid seems to have missed the memo that cats don't like water! Watch and laugh as he enjoys his morning shower, totally ignoring his canine companion who is standing right behind him, waiting for a turn in the shower! How adorable!

Watch and laugh as Sid enjoys his shower while his owners film his adorable experience. Have you ever seen another cat enjoying standing under the running water, continuously taking sips from it. During that time, Katie the Great Dane has her head into the shower, not so patiently waiting for her cat brother to finish up his morning routine.

You might say that Sid is acting like a bully, taking his precious time to drink from the spray, instead of going to his water bowl and drink from it instead. But this is a free world we live in and Sid can certainly drink water wherever he pleases, and Katie has to learn to be more understanding about it.

Watch and enjoy as this clean cat enjoys the nice, warm shower, while the Great Dane is waiting patiently for his turn under the running water. Such a wonderful moment!

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