***DNA UPGRADES INBOUND!*** | The Arcturian Council Of 5 - T'EEAH

10 months ago

15 Apr 2024 #arcturianmessage2024 #starseeds #galacticfederationoflight
Ahhhh we did enjoy this description of the current energies and the inbound ascension waves. We definitely are feeling out of sorts in our human bodies, how about you? WILD UPGRADES INCOMING!

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Channeled By Breanna Bierhoff 🙏
Narrated By Celeste Pope

► 5D Must Reads - 👉 https://amzn.to/3xXOg7R

If you'd like to credit us for our work we'd be truly blessed. Punch the THANKS heart at the base of the video window 🙏💚

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►SHIFT INTO 5D V3 👉 https://amzn.to/3SEIm3B

DISCLAIMER: all GFL content is created for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any relation to real events, persons or places is purely co-incidental.

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