Bill Gates and deleting your guardian a video from 2005

6 months ago

I've tried to share this video and everywhere that I share this it is blocked I wouldn't be surprised if it's taking down I would suggest anybody to save this video.

And the three men I admired most,
The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost,

are still within. But within the vaccination,
everybody who took it, is no longer with me.
Not because I ran them away,
but they chose to go their own way.

It's hard to be truly free when the other reflections
that I thought were a part of me no longer talk to me.

My mother took the vaccine,
and I'm finding it very difficult
to have a conversation because I have to think before talking,
too many trigger words that trigger the trigger Trump syndrome.
So I'm reduced to saying,
"That's your opinion, you will see, it will be revealed."

The bible has been changed to deceive the masses into taking the jab. the original words for receiving the mark of the beast said “In” the right hand or the forehead not “on” the right arm.

In other words people have already blindly accepted the mark via death jab. This explains why they were pushing it so hard, coercing people into taking it.


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