America in Danger 13April 2024

10 months ago

In Segment #1 Robert and John talk about the reauthorization of FISA 702 and the rejection of the warrant requirement by a large number of supposed conservative GOP members. We also talk about the phenomenon of "Congressional Capture"

In Segment #2 we talk about how members of Congress are endowed with specials powers upon election that allow them to beat S&P earnings by large percentages at a statistically impossible rate - or what's known as insider trading.

In Segment #3 we once again expose more evidence of the "climate crisis" scam and why it's a scam and not just a harmless hoax.

In Segment #3: We highlight the truth about the fake "climate emergency" and talk about the new movie by Martin Durkin - Climate: The Movie - The Cold Truth, available on Rumble.

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