nothin yawl digest is palatable to me so...

10 months ago

people have ridiculed me for as long as i've lived on this planet
get used to it
it figures that i'd bomb on stage better than i do anything else
i don't gossip or give a shit bout someone's outfit
they're gonna hate you, anyway
i ain't gon curb what i'm sayin
unsynchronized percussion right there
"winning" only seems to amt to plzing bad people or kissing ass
trying to understand types of humor that i don't like
that is the typical conclusion i draw haha
the way that we absorb information is super unhealthy
i also have faith in the haters
doin good n being good over lookin good n soundin good
definitely not being on key haha
hallucinating maybe?
psychiatry is not logical cos you're just giving up on yourself which is oppositional to our survival inst‌inct
relevance, beauty, intelligence...all worldly shit
they're only serious about words
there's stuff i'm passionate about n i won't back down
you gotta get in this transformation biz it will never let you down
why lethargy over unpleasant thoughts
you can do a lot w/ unpleasant thoughts artistically speaking
here you have this golden opportunity that you are squandering

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