The Intelligence Failures Which Led To The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks

10 months ago

This video was recorded on May 24,2021. In the months of 2001 leading up to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the global intelligence network were receiving a consistent stream of reports that an Al Qaeda attack was upcoming for the United States. The NSA had its wiretap of an Al Qaeda communications hub in Yemen, while the CIA began monitoring the physical visitors coming and going from the home. for 16 months the CIA adamantly refused to share pertinent intelligence that two men, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were inside the United States since January 2000. Meanwhile foreign intelligence from Saudi Arabia and Israel began surveillance of notable Al Qaeda suspects all who would take part in the hijackings of airliners on September 11th 2001.

The CIA under its director, George Tenet, would later be questioned about the leading weeks and months to the day itself, but Tenet still remained dishonest under the Committee's inquiry, and flat out lied about who he met and didn't meet in August and September of 2001. The question is why? Why didn't the NSA share with the CIA, FBI and State department about its data from the Yemen Hub? Why didn't the CIA share its reports of al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi with the FBI and State Department? Why didn't the supervisors of the FBI l act on the intelligence reports and briefings in the months and weeks leading up to 9/11?

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