"Hilarious Tangled Dog Chases Toy That Is Caught On Her Foot"

6 years ago

"We can all agree that relaxing by a pool has to be one of the best ways to spend a hot summer day. The cute dog from this video sure is located by the pool, but she’s definitely not relaxing. At the beginning of the video, you can see that she is standing on the edge of the pool and staring at the ball that she has probably dropped just a second ago. Oh-oh! Now what? Is she going to jump into the water? No worries! Luckily, Boogie the dog has got so many other toys to choose from! Get it Boogie! Get this one over here! She runs to the other side of the pool to get another toy to play with. The doggy picks a toy and spins it in circles! So much fun! The toy suddenly gets caught on her foot, but she continues to chase it. LOL! How funny is she? Absolutely hilarious!"

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