The Birth Of Al Qaeda

10 months ago

This video was recorded on September 30,2020. Many people ask whether Al Qaeda (The Base) is an actual organization or if they are basically a terrorist operation structured thru the intelligence services. There is some truth to both of these options however. After the retreat of the Soviet military from Afghanistan in 1990, high level meetings took place in Khost and the patkia Porvince in Afghanistan. These meetings attended by Jamal al-Fadl, an Arab foreign fighter, in later FBI debriefings, would be met with Arabs from the al-Masada training camp. The Al Masada Camp located in Patkia Province would recruit only a select few Arab fighters who exercised in militant training methods. These individuals would later become the primary founders and leading officials in Al Qaeda.

Under the direction of it's emir, Osama Bin Laden and Egyptian Cleric, Ayman al-Zawahiri,, Al Qaeda began ramping up terrorist operations after the Battle of Mogadishu where Bin Laden, and other notable members including Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri and Aby Hafs al-Masri (Mohammed Atef) were training Somalian militants to fight against U.S Special Forces, delta Force and U.S Army Rangers. In which Bin Laden would later remark that unlike the Soviets who died on the battlefield, the U.S military retrated, and instead of attacking just military targets, Bin Laden decided to take the fight closer to the United States.

Correction: I stated Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri drowned in a ferry accident in Niagara Falls, NY. H drowned from the accident while in Lake Victoria which is near Tanzania (African Great Lakes) in May 1996.

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