Did The State Department Ignore Warnings Prior To 9/11?

10 months ago

This video was recorded on September 20,2020. Years prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, intelligence reports from the FBI regarding the Bojinka Plot showed that there was interest in hijacking aircraft and crashing them into high valued U.S targets. In 1998, more actionable data came in, from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which showed Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Egyptian terrorist cells wanting to hijack aircraft, with months leading up to the attacks the warnings and reports were almost monthly. Why didn't the U.S State Department under U.S President George W. Bush and National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, act on these warnings and take the necessary precautions to ensure that the FAA and airline industry can implement stricter security measures.

CIA PDB "Bin Laden Preparing To Hijack U.S Aircraft":


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