Annie Jacobsen on the history of DARPA

10 months ago

(September 23 2015)
Talks At Google - "Journalist Annie Jacobsen visited Google's office in Cambridge, MA to discuss her book "The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency".

Ms. Jacobsen has written the first history of the the Defense Department's most secret, most powerful, and most controversial military science R&D agency. She draws on inside sources, exclusive interviews, private documents, and declassified memos to paint a picture of DARPA from its Cold War inception in 1958 to the present.

Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist and bestselling author who writes about war, weapons, U.S. national security and government secrecy. Her 2011 non-fiction bestseller, AREA 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, has been published in five languages and is being made into an AMC scripted television series. Her 2014 non-fiction bestseller, OPERATION PAPERCLIP: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America, has been published in five languages and is being adapted for television."

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