Sportcats Misfit’s Show | What's happenin Bro

10 months ago

Tonight we, your esteemed hosts, pick up where we left off last week during Earthquake Madness with a lovely game of "Is It a Rockband, Racehorse, or Porno?" Of course some of the names going from very vague to VERY suggestive, but which is which? We guess you'll have to tune in and find out! Along with any other crazy earthquake theories, we'll also dive into some of each of our most interesting news finds for the week and of course any crazy updates on our favorite (or least favorite) celebrities. Anyone still losing their crap over the earthquake? What's going on with Swelce? Traylor? Tayvis? Whatever they're called... what are those two doing? Anyone want to know what Kourtney Kardashian did on her vaccay? Did you guys hear about Wynonna Judds daughter? Were Louis and Harry secret lovers? Anything new with Ye? Guess we'll find out!

You can find all your favorite Sportcat shows, The Para OR Normal Guyz, and Sportcats MISFIT'S on YERGZ Radio:

You can also find Sportcat’s Para OR Normal Guyz and Misfit’s on WDJY 99.1 on your FM dial in Metro Atlanta and streaming online Friday at 9:00 p.m., then Saturday night,
and Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern.

In Nashville, Tennessee, you can find The Para OR Normal Guyz overnight Friday from 12:00 - 2:00 on WRFN 107.1 on your FM radio.

Also just outside Washington, D.C., we're on Fairfax Radio, Radio Fairfax Channel 37 (Cox, Verizon, and Comcast Cable Companies) for your morning breakfast on Wednesdays at 8 a.m., and streaming on Radio Fairfax for your morning commute in the Nation's Capital.

The Para OR Normal guys are featured on Denver Open Media FM 89.9/92.9 Breckenridge and Vail, Colorado. Pacific Coast TV Pacifica and Half Moon Bay, California, Ch 26/27, as well as Comcast Channel 6 Los Alamos, New Mexico.

You can find Sportcat playing classic rock on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Eastern on The Thin Line Rock Radio Station:

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