Ethiopia’s Koree Nageenya Fashioned after Bolshevik's Cheka

5 months ago
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#birmaduu #oromiyaa #oromoo #gadaa #ob

Fashioned after the Cheka and Gestapo, the Koree Nageenya “sits down and decides that a person needs to be detained. Then they go and arrest them without warrant or investigation or due process.” The Koree Nageenya not only eliminates suspected enemies. It also acts preemptively to keep protesters off the streets.

The CHEKA was the much-feared Bolshevik secret. The CHEKA was formed in the wake of the October 1917 revolution it operated outside the rule of law. It acted of its own accord, investigated, and arrested whoever it chose, and answered no one. The CHEKA became a model for 20th century secret police agencies in totalitarian states, including the Gestapo (Nazi Germany), the Stasi (East Germany) and the KGB (Soviet Russia).

Gestapo, the political police of Nazi Germany. The Gestapo ruthlessly eliminated opposition to the Nazis within Germany and its occupied territories and, in partnership with the Sicherheitsdienst (SD; “Security Service”), was responsible for the roundup of Jews throughout Europe for deportation to extermination camps.

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