Angelpaste Blossoms

5 months ago

How Angelpaste Was Born

It started when Barbara overheard a conversation at the dermatologist office where she worked. “Whatever you put ON your skin goes into your blood stream” “unless you need to, you shouldn’t put chemicals on your skin.”

This made Barbara wonder why ALL the lotions that we use every day are full of water, alcohol and other toxic chemicals.

After all, the patches used for nicotine and other drugs transfer incredibly well via the porous epidermis - why wouldn't the same principle apply to topical creams?

There are so many practical reasons why but none of them have to do with the health of your skin and everything to do with profitability. So Barbara researched every chemical used to understand why they were necessary. Formaldehyde and other preservatives allow the product to sit on the shelf for years. She thought she would solve that by making it fresh and in small batches.

Water is a cheap way to add ounces to a product without adding cost, as a result they have to use a thickening gum to make it feel creamy. So if the product is 80 percent filler and 20 percent good ingredients you won’t get the skin hydration that promotes healing and skin regeneration.

Not only that, but water is drying so the lotion company knows that your skin will seem to be getting hydrated but will be chapped hours later which means you need MORE CHEMICAL LOTION.

It’s a cycle that needed to be broken.

She had been on the cheap lotion train before and used it every day and her skin was still dry. Not to mention the countless chemicals going into the bloodstream from the foreign factory made pink goo.

Many of the chemicals in lotions do not have to be listed in the ingredients. Some of them even seem “natural” because they are derived from coconut oil like sodium lauryl sulfate.

She researched for years to find organic, food-grade plant oils from farms close to her home in Texas. Vitamin rich oils, skin healing ingredients and natural protective barrier creams are expensive but your family’s health is worth more than rubies and gold. So Barbara strove to make something better.

She bought every single ingredient safe enough to eat and tested them on herself - mixed them together and, by the Grace of God, was able to come up with a natural solution. She gave it to people to try and they started flooding her with testimony of dry patches and irritations disappearing, wounds healing, and miraculous stories that needed to be seen to be believed.

She knew she had something good and had to share it with the world.

Angelpaste Miracle Cream was born.

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