AndersonPlays Roblox Jujutsu Shenanigans - Hakari Combo + Showcase

9 months ago

Hi. I'm Anderson and this is AndersonPlays Roblox Jujutsu Shenanigans [THROWABLES]!

Hakari is the newest character in Roblox Jujutsu Shenanigans and is currently the best character. What makes Hakari so powerful is that his moves combo really well, most of them combo extend, he has a counter move (R), and his ultimate is crazy strong (though complicated).

To trigger Hakari's ulimate, you press (G) to initiate a Domain Expansion. While in the Domain Expansion, a random number is generated and displayed across the screen every so often (which might be sped up with Hakari using his moves). If a lucky number combination appears (all three numbers the same like 7-7-7), then the Domain Expansion ends and you are granted a new set of Ultimate Moves for a duration of time (about a minute). These Ultimate Moves are ridiculously OP strong!

Here is my gameplay video showcasing Hakari and a super Hakari combo in Roblox Jujutsu Shenanigans:
0:00 Intro
0:13 Hakari Moves Showcase
1:58 Hakari Super Combo
2:41 Hakari Ultimate Moves Showcase
4:59 Outro

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#jujutsushenanigans #hakari #showcase

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