Alan Watt - Redux 156 - "The Miner Called His Lamp Non-Linear Thinking" - April 14, 2024

10 months ago

What is the Aryan Invasion Theory? - Phone Call with Listener - Balfour Declaration - Who was behind the Society for Psychical Research? - Psychology - Science - Alan Watt: Non-Linear Thinking - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Sykes-Picot Agreement - Who is Vivek Ramaswamy? - Brahmins, the Priestly Class - Secret Brotherhoods and the Taking of Oaths - Iran (Persia) and the 1953 coup d'etat - Mark Sykes and the Balfour Declaration - Why does Leonardo DiCaprio want to "Rewild" Scotland? - The Role of the Media - How far ahead is Science? - Francis Bacon and The New Atlantis - Israel, Iran and the New World Order - Colossus of Rhodes - The Profane - Stonemasons and the Building of Cathedrals in the Middle Ages - Music Industry, Fashion, the Destruction of the Family - Military, Uniform.

Transcript - Alan Watt on "Sweet Liberty" (Solo) - Jan. 25, 2006

Rishi Sunak and the Bhagavad Gita - by Not Sure

Alan Watt Excerpts - Signs and Symbols - "Red String Club"

Racial Wars In The Veda? How Misinterpretations Of Vedic Hymns Led To The Myth Of The Aryan Race

The Brahmin, the Aryan, and the Powers of the Priestly Class: Puzzles in the Study of Indian Religion

A Warning From Syria as Middle East Braces for Iran's Revenge on Israel

Leonardo DiCaprio urges Scottish Government ministers to declare Scotland a rewilding nation

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