Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Katrina McGhee - 04.13.24

10 months ago

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series welcomed to my podcast on Saturday, April 13, 2024, Katrina McGhee. Katrina is a Certified Life Coach and the Author of the Book: Taking A Career Break for Dummies.

Her book is absolutely phenomenal and receives my 20 Star review! Stunning how she turned a 20-month break to travel the world into a life changing career. This ultimately led her to create a blueprint to help her clients create fail-proof plans and navigate successful breaks of their own.

You will absolutely love how she laid out her book which is broken down in “Parts” then Chapters. What initially captivated my attention was Part 6: The Part of Tens, Chapter 16 - Ten Ground Rules for a Successful Break. Yes, I am one of those people who reads and studies the table of contents and this chapter was exciting and I learned so much.

You have to be open and have courage for changing your perception. Katrina did for sure! We had such an amazing conversation and I’ll leave you with a question Katrina asked: “What is success for you and do you know what success is?”

To connect with Katrina further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

What if you could press the pause button on the rat race? Are you ready for a career break? There is a way . . . Katrina did it!

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others as Katrina’s has! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Katrina - “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!

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