Permanent PsyOp: "We are being systematically blinded."

10 months ago

"We are being systematically blinded." Will you join @BretWeinstein, me and others in Bath on April 28, 2024, for a special event which will provide information that you do not hear about in the news? Tickets are available at

One of the issues we will be discussing is where to go when you seek truth on public matters. As Bret says: "Every single institution dedicated to public truth-seeking is under simultaneous attack ... Every body of experts fails utterly. Individual experts who resist or attempt to return their institutions to sanity, find themselves coerced into submission. If they won't buckle, they are marginalized or forced out. Those outside of the institutions who either seek truth alone or who build new institutions with a truth-seeking mission, face merciless attacks on both their integrity and expertise."

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