9 months ago

Angie Maris
Apr 14, 2024
My children, listen to Me. Would you rather I come in gentleness and love or with a rod? (Rod of correction. 1 Corinthians 4:21). My 'rod of correction' has gone forth! (Shown a vision of different people, prophets, seers, servants of God with rods protruding from their mouths) It will prosper in the thing it has been sent to do! To convict the hearts of My children of their wrongdoing! What wrongdoing you ask? When you speak, come against, squabble amongst yourselves, gossip (Shown white sheep facing each other on top of a pile of dung), slander, malice in your heart, against one another, do you not know? You do it to Me! (What you do to the least of these. Matthew 25:31-46).

I am drawing you closer to Me but My beloved dear little one, I AM HOLY! The impurities in your heart keeps you from being closer to My heart. I am looking at your heart. My rod of correction will cleanse and purify your heart. An upright heart before Me, your Maker, to whom you must give an account of every idle word spoken. (Heart words, spoken/written words. Shown a book in heaven, a person standing in front of the book, satan was pointing to something written in the book, accusing the person but the words were blotted out by the blood of Jesus. The person had repented! Therefore was not held against them no more. Forgiven and forgotten by God).

I am a just God, compassionate, full of mercy and grace. Repent and turn from living your ways and live My ways! I am calling My bride into PURIFICATION. To purify the hearts of My children. To be pure as I am pure. To know My heart is to know PURITY. (Pure in intentions). I am raising up My church in holiness, made pure through My purification fire! What is the fire of purification? My words of correction spoken through My servants! Conviction by My Spirit in the hearts of those who receive those words! Trials and tribulations to expose the wickedness hiding in your heart! (Wickedness keeps us from being closer to the heart of the Father who is holy) To repent and be made holy as I am holy, do not complain or come against those whom I have placed in your life to expose what is in your heart! (Sandpaper) Do not complain and try to escape the fiery furnace of purification! I will take you through it! Wide is the road to destruction! (Saw a child having free reign, not corrected or disciplined, out of control) Narrow is the way to My holiness, says our Lord! (Saw a child being corrected, listening to instructions) FOR I AM HOLY!

My bride has made herself ready! (Hear His love and excitement) She has her boots on! (Army boots/in God's army/warrior bride) She is taking heaven by storm, she's not quiet but diligently seeks Me, waiting on Me, trusting in Me! She stands and remains standing in the power of My might because SHE IS LOOKING AT ME! TRUSTING ME!

Purify yourselves My children, keep yourself from evil, be not wise in your own eyes, lean not upon your own understanding, for I AM GOD WHO SEES ALL. KNOWING THE INTENT OF YOUR HEART. I test your hearts and expose that which is not of Me. Why? Because My dearest little one, I LOVE YOU! (God disciplines/corrects those who He loves. His children)

I am coming! And I am coming for a bride who has made herself ready! Holy as I am holy! Pure in heart as My heart is pure! She stands her ground and will not be moved! She may fall but arises stronger in Me! Her trust being in Me! Do you not know? In your weakness you are STRONG IN ME!

Hear Me My children, I have released My rod of correction through the mouths of My servants into My church. Hear Me! Pay heed to Me! (Listen and do) Turn from your ways and walk My ways. I will not be mocked My children, I AM GOD WHO SEES ALL. Exposing the hidden agenda and motives of man's wicked heart, to make you pure as I am pure in heart!

I am drawing you closer to Me but what is in your heart prevents you coming closer, to know My heart for you and walk in My ways. I love you. So heed My corrections. Turn to Me through tribulation and do not complain. Do not come against those who speak My words. I will instruct you in the way you should go, straight to My heart! From where you were birthed! FROM MY HEART! Be holy as I am holy. I AM RETURNING SOON FOR MY BRIDE.

Your loving Papa always,
Abba, Father.

God bless you!

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