Extra-Biblical Books, Jewish Myticism et al Vs. Sola Scriptura

5 months ago

There is a curious fascination among many Hebraic minded people to seek for truth and hidden knowledge outside of the Bible. This has led many people to delve into many extra-biblical books such as the Dead Sea scrolls, the Book of Enoch, the Apocrypha and other intertestamental writings, and rabbinic Jewish writings including the Talmud and Zohar. What are we to make of these writings, and how do we evaluate truth from error? This video presents some guidelines to follow in separating the wheat of truth from the chaff of humanistic mythologies and the dead end spiritual paths found in many extra-biblical books.

For a transcript of my notes and references including URL links to the authors and presenters I reference in this talk, go to https://hoshanarabbah.org/blog/2024/04/14/the-fatal-flaws-of-the-zadok-priestly-enoch-calendar/.

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