Star Citizen PROVE Flat Earth FLIGHTs

10 months ago

In the game Star Citizen, I decided to lock the level of the ship to see if the ship would stay at he altitude of the moon. Per Star Citizen, its own flight models are based on what jets use each day. Watch it, it proves the earth is NOT a globe, why would the altitude begin to go down then up and the ship ends up in space way above the moon if I locked the altitude in place? Because the earth is flat, plain and simple. Star Citizen's own game proves the earth is flat, that JETS do not nose down every few seconds as they are flying. Auto pilot means they set a way point and altitude and the auto pilot take over the controls. Not once during the flights do the jets ever nose down which proves we are on a flat plain with mountains and hills. Why do flights on earth say from Cape Town in South Africa go NORTH of the Equator, stop at Dubai International Ariport then back south of the Equator to Sydney, Australia? Look at a flat earth map, you will see why. The FLIGHT path is in a straight line, a straight line is a the shortest path.

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