How Did They Sell 95% Effective to Everyone?

9 months ago

Infectious Diseases Epidemiiologist Martin Kulldorff stated in September 2021, that "to be a public health scientist during this pandemic is like living in a Kafka novel." Franz Kafka wrote novels which merged reality with fantasy in bizarre and disorienting stories.

Disorientations during the Covid pandemic came from trusted authorities such as governments and their agents, and large institutions such as World Health Organization (WHO). Almost all of them contradicted basic public health, and even their own recommendations such as WHO's 2019 systematic review of evidence on responding to a viral respiratory pathogen which specifically stated against such measures as border closures, quarantine of healthy people and contact tracing, all of which are known to have no impact on transmission of airborne viruses whilst also creating enormous disruption to health outcomes in other ways.

One of the most obvious lies told by governments and their representatives, was the claim of "95% effective". This video shows how this claim was used dishonestly. The Pfizer trial only tested efficacy for the first two months, after which vaccine effectiveness plummets, and ultimately leads to negative efficacy, meaning that the vaccinated are more likely to develop Covid than the unvaccinated. If you are seeing a lot of "Covid" (which is not a disease requiring clinical diagnostic skill) now, then negative efficacy amongst the vaccinated is likely the reason why.

Why did governments do this to their own people? To answer this question you must look towards the financial reset being planned. If you think your government lied to you about Covid, then it's important to closely monitor what they are telling you now about future pandemic preparedness, central bank digital currencies, climate change, food supplies and more.

The explanation in this video from NZ videographer Coronavirus Plushie comes from the Canadian Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, available here:


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