Autism Behaviors and Candida Mold

10 months ago

s your child angry?

Do they hit themselves, hit you, pull your hair out or scratch?

Do they laugh without any reason? Or maybe have a red anus? Or dark circles under their eyes?

These are all signs that your child may have a fungal infection in their gut. Many children with autism have poor gut immune systems and are at risk for Candida, Bacterial, and Parasite infections.

Our first 3 months of 2024 will have a mini-series of podcasts explaining ALL the medical issues with autism, and most importantly, show you how you can help your child on their road to recovery!

Our fifth episode of this mini-series reviews how gut infections are common in children with autism. We review ways to test and naturally support your children’s gut health.

Dr. Jared Skowron, 20-year international autism doctor, will guide you through understanding Candida and other gut infections in autism and improving these, using natural supplements, and without needing pharmaceuticals!

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