Think on These Things: Episode 3 - A Chronological Journey Through the New Testament

10 months ago

In this episode of our New Testament chronological journey together, we will be reading and learning from Luke 1:1-56 and Matthew 1:1-25 from the NLT and the MSG.

This study is read and explained in a simple, down to earth way and is easy to follow along and understand. Although, I do not dumb it down or water down the TRUTH for anyone. This Bible study is perfect for anyone who has questions about the Bible, Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, Christianity, etc. It's also for those who are not familiar with the Bible or have never fully read the Bible completely. It is also for New Christians.

If you have a Bible, please follow along. If you don't have a Bible, you can download The Bible app and follow along there. You can read from the NLT, the same translation I am using today, or choose your own preferred translation from the 70+ others.

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I can't officially Go Live yet because this is a NEW account and I don't have enough Subscribers. So if you wouldn't mind Sharing this with a friend and hitting the Subscribe button and the Bell to be notified when I release new posts, that would really help me out to reach my goal and be able to Go Live in person with y'all sooner. Thanks and may God bless you and bless you again.

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