Connect - Tutorial and Walk-through - Large Board Size - May 2024

9 months ago

~~~~~ What is Connect? ~~~~~

Connect is a tile match puzzle game where the player removes like tiles that are adjacent to each other or can be reached by drawing an unobstructed path between the tiles.

~~~~~ Is Connect Pay to Win? What about in-game advertisements? How many are there? How intrusive are they? Do you get anything for enduring them? ~~~~~

We have not encountered any advertising or payment structure in this game. Games without those features are few and far between and we celebrate those games.

One can pay $0.99 to remove the banner ads. One can pay $0.99 to unlock all tile skins.

~~~~~ Is There Any Objectionable Material in this game? ~~~~~

We're sure someone somewhere can find something objectionable with this game. We just can't find anything remotely objectionable.

~~~~~ Is Connect fun to play? Is the game challenging? Is this game a grind? ~~~~~

Connect is a good “change of pace” type of game. This is a game where can you play when you have a few minutes to kill.

We wouldn't use the word “challenging”; but this game can get frustrating.

We wouldn't use the word “grind”; but this game can get repetitive.

~~~~~ What are the pros and cons of Connect? ~~~~~

Easy to play. Young children can play this game.
Simple mechanics.
Generous number of reshuffles granted - eight (8). At most, only two (2) shuffles are needed to clear a level.

No soothing background music. No music at all.
Only two (2) tile skins are given. One can watch an advertisement to unlock another tile skin or pay $0.99 to unlock all skins.

Bottom Line:
This game could use some music. Apart from that, this is a great game to let young children play and add to their library.

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