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![COVID-19 mRNA Clinical Trials – The Truth Behind the Trials](
COVID-19 mRNA Clinical Trials – The Truth Behind the Trials
Never before has the worldwide media pushed for a vaccine that didn’t go through clinical trials and had never been approved before in humans because of SAFETY Concerns.
Through a bunch of political b.s. with “Emergency Declarations”, through some Executive Orders allowing mRNA as a “novel vaccine” and through what Donald Trump called “Pushing the FDA like they have never been pushed before” the FDA granted Pfizer Emergency Authorization Use for their mRNA injections on December 18, 2020, just nine days after the European Medical Association granted approval for mRNA jabs.
Then the “CARES ACT” and the “PREP ACT” were devilish disguised acts communicated to the people as helpful acts but were really acts to fill their own back packets, rob the taxpayers and especially to ADD Protection to ALL parties involved in the production and distribution of the experimental, gene modifying mRNA Vaccines.
They were literally steps taken to BYPASS the Nuremberg Codes and administer unproven, experimental “vaccines” to the masses.
But once again, what we saw at face value seemed to be rational and make sense. There is ZERO way ANY politician knows what are in these acts, they are filled with so much garbage and they had to be on ice for a long time.
You don’t think Trump had his masters yelling in his ear “we have to get this approved in your country, do whatever it take?”
To sign all those EO’s and Acts?
Do you really believe all the “Leaders” of the world who had video of them taking an EXPERIMENTAL JAB were really allowing mRNA to be injected into their bodies?
It was a monkey see, monkey do strategy and the people of the world thought – “well if all the leaders of the world are doing this, I better do it and get our family scheduled to have it.” It was a TRICK.
Yes, very difficult to believe but the evidence for two decades prior all indicates the world was preparing for this very moment and had had multiple simulations all around the world so that when they ran with this that all the leaders of the countries were aware of it and had already prepared for the propaganda campaign that was to be accomplished in lockstep by every country.
Wasn’t just magical how famous celebrities were pushing the jabs?
Everybody get in line and roll those sleeves up – you bleeping sheep.
Do you not believe that was part of the plan?
Arnold Schwarzenegger – “I just got my vaccine, come with me if you want to live.”
There is no way he actually took the vaccine. They allowed him to run California, you really believe he wasn’t aware what was coming down the pipeline?
It’s just unbelievable that people have been so incredibly dumbed down to how clinical trials work and how this was a FAILED drug previously because of the severe side effects, that is why there had never been mRNA, it’s not like it was truly brand new.
Why are there never any RETROSPECTIVE studies comparing the Vaccinated with the Unvaccinated? Because it would prove without a shadow of a doubt that the jabs don’t work. Not one f*cking one of them and take a look at all the jabs the CDC is pushing on our children in 2024. It’s so sad that the masses are just ignorant to the fact that this has absolutely nothing to do with health.
The Covid mRNA Vaccine Trials were considered EVENT DRIVEN Trials. An Even Driven Trial means the that Primary Analysis happens when you get enough events. Events is defined as “Confirmed cases of the Covid-19 Infection.”
To see if the Vaccine worked, the researchers compared the the number of the infections of people receiving the vaccine to the number of persons receiving the placebo.
You would think that they would study thousands or even tens of thousands of people, right?
How many people did they study? 170 People.
Yes, 170 people determined the safety and efficacy of these mRNA vaccines. The data from 170 people was used for “Emergency Authorization” to get over a Hundred Million People jabbed.
Why weren’t there any true Double Blind Studies? This is crazy. Absolutely f*cking crazy. Here is what the sly, devious, convoluting snakes at Pfizer did – they said they had an “Ethical Obligation” to Unblind trial guinea pigs (volunteers) so they can receive the vaccine.
If this isn’t saying “we don’t want to know the truth” slap me silly.
This means you can’t compare the unvaccinated with the vaccinated in the future. They definitely don’t want that truth coming to light or their vaccine business (lies) would be EXPOSED.
They did all this when the preliminary data was not sufficient to prove any kind of efficacy.
This was criminal, but how would the public know this? Most doctors don’t even know how to discover this information and they sure the hell aren’t going to volunteer it to them as that might make them ask questions.
When you unblind a study – the study is useless from that point forward. These patients should have been blinded for a minimum of two years, and to get the best results for 5 to 10 years.
Are there any SAFETY Studies going on today about the Experimental Jabs that were administered like free pancakes?
NO. Absolutely Not. Just this should tell anyone with an average IQ that they don’t want to know the truth or more like, they don’t want YOU to know the truth.
It also takes an AVERAGE of 8 years MINIMUM to determine Safety and Efficacy, how could they say the vaccine was safe and effective to administer to Hundreds of Millions of people in the USA this fast?
It’s called Operation Warp Speed, an operation that Donald Trump bragged about and was so proud to getting the vaccines approved.
Here is just one of his many quotes: “I guess in a certain way, I’m the FATHER of the Vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle. Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years. I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before. It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, it’s something that works” —
Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
That shows how dumb this man is or how evil he is. Either choice is not a characteristic that leaders should possess.
He was definitely dumb having Fauci as his man. If you really dig into Fauci’s history he was the one who started the AIDS pandemic in select cities via VACCINES targeting GAYS who were taking Hepatitis shots.
Do you really think Trump didn’t know this? He HAD to of known this. Fauci should have been in prison multiple decades ago.
But yet he stood their confidently knowing that he was at NO Risk as everyone had his back.
Also regarding the Clinical Trials, the people who were becoming disabled from the jabs were not even being recorded as having “Severe Adverse Side Effects.”
Young Maddie de Garary was paralyzed in the Pfizer Clinical trial and it wasn't even recorded as a Vaccine Injury, but as a "Stomach Ache."
That’s how they define 95% Efficacy and determine the Vaccine being SAFE? For someone to be paralyzed for life should at the very least be recording as a severe side effect.
There were others like Shaun Mulldoon, Julian Schofield and Kayla Pollock.
Why did Pfizer want people to sign NDA’s that they cannot speak about the clinical trials?
Why did Pfizer petition the Courts to CONCEAL the Clinical Trial Data for 75 years?
If the vaccine was safe and effective wouldn’t they want the masses to see this data?
None of the trials detected a reduction in hospital admissions.
They made the hospitals a place to go to be killed with their deadly protocols of Remdesivir which destroys the kidneys and to drug the hell out of patients to be placed on Ventilators which 90% of the patients died who went through these protocols. Then they could have their Covid Deaths that they could compute data and run it across the television screens to cause FEAR so people would run and get their jabs and get BOOSTED.
Why would hospitals do this?
For the MONEY.
If the Government is offering them incredible amounts of money and saying that the Science backs the Covid Protocols – then the hospitals know that no matter what happens, even if most patients die, they are NOT going to be liable, they were following Covid “Protocols” which were backed by “SCIENCE.”
So, what were those Covid Protocols?
For the hospitals to really collect the BIG $$$ they had to do EXACTLY what the Protocol said.
Covid Protocols:
1. Everyone who comes to the Hospital they must get a Covid PCR Test. (Which is 100% controllable and doesn’t diagnose sh*t.) *See Link below on PCR.
2. If the Test is Positive – the hospital gets paid a Bonus.
3. If you are Admitted into the Hospital that money meter starts spinning.
4. If the patient is prescribed Remdesivir – the hospital gets a 20% BONUS on the ENTIRE bill.
5. The Ventilator – yes, once a patient can’t speak – the hospital obviously can’t listen to their wishes. And since their loved ones were not allowed in the hospitals, they have NO Voice, no advocate, just a careless healthcare system that was being incentivized to follow a deadly protocol.
There were huge bonuses if they used Remdesivir and if they Ventilated their patients. Both of these are extremely dangerous and often fatal. But the hospitals didn’t care, they knew they couldn’t be sued because they were following protocol and if they followed this “protocol” they would receive big time money from the US government.
Remdesivir destroys the kidneys. It has the nickname “RUN DEATH IS NEAR.”
It became obvious very quickly that this was killing the patients.
Remdesivir was “tested” in an Ebola trial and it was so toxic, so deadly, they had to stop the study.
Remdesivir was tried in other illnesses and FAILED EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir put it on the Shelf, just waiting for a “Rainy Day.” So, along comes Covid-19 and along comes Dr. Evil himself – Anthony Fauci.
Fauci said this is the drug that I want to put in the Covid Protocol and the government will give a bonus of 20% on the ENTIRE patients bill. That is a LOT of free money for following a killing protocol.
Fauci knew 100% that this was a Failed Drug that caused Kidney and Liver disease. 100%.
Fauci got this drug approved for Emergency Authorized Use for Covid.
How Donald Trump allowed this guy to do what he did is crazy. Trump should be held responsible for his idiotic negligence or worse yet intentional. But he knew what was going on.
Back to the Clinical Trials – they had NO support whether the jabs could prevent one from getting Covid or prevent one from transmitting covid, later after people finally began questioning, they said “well it might make Covid less miserable”, of course there wasn’t any evidence of this either.
Why is the CDC pushing to have the Covid mRNA Vaccine to be on the Children’s Vaccination Schedule in 2024? Children have a 99.999% chance of surviving Covid and developing NATURAL Antibodies.
This mRNA vaccine should still be in the SAFETY study phase with tens of thousands of children. And the CDC is pushing it on the World?
Sounds like they have some alternative objectives.
Look, this is not about health.
Children get damaged for LIFE when they go to their “WELLNESS” checkups and get jabbed. All the jabs have toxins and pathogens in them that SLOWLY Accumulate and the pathogens, specifically Viruses (which they say are attenuated, BULLSH*T) once they enter the body via injection immediately begin looking for a home and that home is the LIVER and SPLEEN to begin with and then the incubation period starts. How long is all determined on what strain of virus has been injected.
Bottom line, the aluminum and mercury and the other sh*t they put in the vaccines act as both poisons to the body and are food for the viruses.
It is our “Healthcare” that is causing illnesses.
Cases of Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1980’s to 1 in 30.
When the contents – Aluminum and Mercury get to the Midbrain of a child, those metals Alloy with each other and they short circuit neuropathways in the brain. Once the midbrain closes around the age of 18 the children have very little chance of every recovering.
It is a f*cking crime and people are asleep. Doctors are clueless little robots as they are fed “science” from the these 3 letter organizations which are nothing but Organized Terrorists providing FEAR – Fake Evidence and making it Appear Real.
Most doctors are on Auto-Pilot and don’t do their own research because they don’t have “TIME.” Which is a B.S. excuse as their priorities are just f*cked up. You make the time!
The top Companies that make America’s Mandated Vaccines: Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer are all convicted Serial FELONS. They are Criminal Enterprises. Just in the last 12 years they have paid $35 BILLION in penalties according to Robert F Kennedy Jr. Crimes that include: defrauding regulators, falsifying science, for lying to medical doctors and for flat our injuring and killings hundreds of thousands of Americans for products they KNEW were LETHAL.
Would you trust a felon to sell you your prescription medications?
Do you even know that if you are receiving a vaccine, that it came from a criminal enterprise who was convicted of falsifying science?
Why contribute to a criminal enterprise?
Why trust them when they care nothing about people but about making money for the corporation?
Do you know they can not be held liable for selling you a vaccine that either injuries you or kills you?
This law was placed in effect in the 80’s (1986) when they went to the Reagan Admin saying they can’t make safe vaccines and they need liability protection.
Are people even aware of this?
They should be.
How were Covid Cases Diagnosed?
With a PCR Test.
Can a PCR Test really diagnose Covid?
All of this could not have been accomplished if there was another treatment for Covid. So they had to do everything in their power to say that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, (which you can buy below without a prescription) was not effective.
They went on a propaganda campaign saying Ivermectin was a “Horse Dewormer” when the military has used Ivermectin for Soldiers for multiple decades. It was a lie so they could push their experimental mRNA vaccines.
This was a PLANDEMIC and not a Pandemic.
For the people who still believe that Trump is our “President” right not now or “Commander in Chief”, who was responsible for distribution the Covid Vaccines? The DoD.
If he is our Commander in Chief it might be scary because he is on record saying that he would “Bomb the Hell out of Iran.”
For the love of God, people have to wake up about this guy before he starts a war in “SUPPORT” of HIS people in Israel.
We are dealing with a POWERFUL Cabal. If they didn’t want Trump in the picture, he would be cut out of the picture. 100%.
He is in the picture right now, because they want him in the picture. All this Republican vs Democrat bickering is just for show. Both parties were infiltrated decades ago and they are one in the same acting as though they oppose each other because it helps keep the USA divided while the people take one side or the other. As soon as one side has more supporters they try to balance it out, they want it as close to 50/50 as possible.
It’s a freaking show people. We are so far from any politician saving us from this Cabal.
The US Military has been the militia Arm for the Cabal – so for people saying the “military is the only way.”
That has been a show FOREVER. The military has been the Cabal’s test lab for vaccines since the 1920’s when they administered soldiers vaccines in Kansas and quickly shipped them overseas to start a pandemic with the Spanish Flu. It was labeled the “Spanish Flu” because it “started” in Spain, but it really originated from a US Military Lab.
Whenever the Cabal wants to conquer a nation they use the US Military and say it is because they are trying to either save or create a democracy, which is a complete lie. They are really destroying a democracy and removing sovereignty from the people.
This cabal has more power than they EVER have. That’s not saying that they can’t be beat. The truth is how they will be beat, but to know the truth we have to collectively wake up and realize the matrix of lies they have created for us to believe in.
It’s all an illusion.
1. AndreCorbeil --
2. ***The PCR Test – Absolutely Worthless in Diagnosing COVID-19 – PCR Diagnosed Patient #1 in USA – FAKE! --
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END. 4/21/2024 – 6:00 PM
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