[2023-06-20] @KEEMSTAR I archived your dirt permanently I will gladly punish you irl [xeLaVqUa22A]

10 months ago

Link to video in the description. https://archive.org/details/youtube-wRhSUxeTon0\n\nEveryone with humanity left in their soul, spread the link. Calling upon all fathers and people who care about the children. So @KEEMSTAR you wanna fuck with autistic children, and buy out their weakling fathers with a couple hundred dollars for videos? Ok then. I remember like it was yesterday. By the way ..@KEEMSTAR lol whatsup dirty rat coward? You got your legal team ready to try to silence me and the archive of what you did? Make the wrong move. I dare you. None of us will forget after seeing this. You're going to duck me all day, but you can't duck the world. Everyone would love to see me trash you in the ring. Bring your nasty ass beard in so everyone can see me smash you into the ground.

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